Brent Bozell - Page 2

Popular NewsBusters Blogger Noel Sheppard Succumbs to Cancer

The conservative blogosphere is reeling in shock and heartache at the sudden an unexpected death of blogger extraordinaire, Noel Sheppard. Brent Bozell made the sad announcement at NewsBusters on Saturday morning. Our Noel Sheppard passed away yesterday (Friday) morning at about 5:00

GLAAD: 42% Gay TV Characters Is Merely 'Good'

Brent Bozell: In the 2012-13 TV season, GLAAD found a record number of LGBT characters — 4.4 percent, or at least double their actual percentage of the population. Fox was honored for having these characters in 42 percent of their

GLAAD: 42% Gay TV Characters Is Merely 'Good'

More Activists Petition Networks to Cover Gosnell Abortion Trial

According to, 20 prominent conservative leaders have joined Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell in demanding that broadcast networks stop censoring coverage of the murder trial of abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell.  Gosnell faces 43 criminal counts, including eight

More Activists Petition Networks to Cover Gosnell Abortion Trial

MRC's Brent Bozell Unloads On 'Pig' Karl Rove

Brent Borzell : “You are a party’s nutty friends. he wants to protect the gop from challenges by far-right conservatives and tea party enthusiasts, no wonder media matters’ has called karl rove the republican voice of reason. that is the

MRC's Brent Bozell Unloads On 'Pig' Karl Rove

Rove Aide Mocks Conservatives

After smearing movement conservative icon Brent Bozell as a “hater” who has a “sordid history of hating Karl Rove,” Jonathan Collegio of American Crossroads mocked a group of prominent conservatives who wrote a letter to Crossroads GPS President Steven Law

Rove Aide Mocks Conservatives

Republican Girl Fight

The GOP industrial complex must be bored of late. Hagel, Brennan, Benghazi, gun control legislation, EPA scandals, and the sequester are just not holding their attention.  What a perfect time to start an intra-movement war by jockeying for the official

Bozell Pushes Back Hard Against Rove War On Tea Party

Brent Bozell, Chairman of ForAmerica, a conservative political action committee, is not very pleased with Karl Rove and his plan to campaign against GOP candidates whom he deems “unelectable” due to their tea party connections.   Bozell joined me and

Bozell Pushes Back Hard Against Rove War On Tea Party

MRC’s Bozell to RNC: You’ll Pay Price For Raising Taxes

In his capacity as chairman of ForAmerica, The Mighty Brent Bozell tells Republicans exactly what they need to hear: Brent Bozell, a prominent conservative activist and fundraiser, is threatening to steer donors away from the Republican Party if GOP lawmakers

Louis C. K. Crosses Line with Racial Remark

What is the sound of one Leftist crossing the racial line? A lot like one hand clapping, if you’re on the Left – silence.  Comedian Louis C.K., who has a show on FX, went on Jimmy Kimmel Live Tuesday and spoke about the

Louis C. K. Crosses Line with Racial Remark

Brent Bozell: Why No Tucson Lectures for 'Artists'?

More raging media hypocrisy exposed via Bozell at NewsBusters: Within minutes of the news breaking that Jared Lee Loughner had killed six and wounded 12 in a rampage outside a Tucson safeway store, including a critically injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords,

Belly of the Beast: Tea Party Protest at NY Times

Tea Party activists gathered outside the offices of the New York Times and NBC in Manhattan to protest what they see as a liberal bias at those news outlets. The activists said they were inspired to hold the event because