Christopher Columbus - Page 2

Scholar: Leftist Historian Howard Zinn Lied About Christopher Columbus

Mary Grabar, a scholar at the Alexander Hamilton Institute in Clinton, New York, recently published a book that aims to debunk the revisionary scholarship of leftist historian Howard Zinn. In her book, Grabar takes aim at Zinn’s lies about Christopher Columbus, which have in part fueled the outrage on campus against the Columbus Day holiday.

“Landing of Columbus,” painting by John Vanderlyn, 1846. Christopher Columbus is depic

Poll: 69% of College Students Support Abolishing Columbus Day

A recent poll shows that 69 percent of college students are in favor of abolishing Columbus Day and replacing it with “Indigenous Peoples’ Day.” According to supporters of the change, “the tradition of celebrating Christopher Columbus comes with an inherent celebration of genocide, violence, and colonization.”

Portrait of Christopher Columbus, 1519. Found in the collection of Metropolitan Museum of

Filmmaker Spike Lee: Christopher Columbus Was a ‘Terrorist’

During a Wednesday appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” discussing his film “BlacKkKlansman,” director Spike Lee called Christopher Columbus a “terrorist.” Lee lamented the fact he was not told that George Washington owned slaves and that Columbus’ history is not taught

Pamela Geller: Brown University Celebrates ‘Palestinians’ on ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’

Last week, Brown University’s Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs sent out greeting for “Indigenous Peoples’ Day Weekend,” which has replaced Fall Weekend — Columbus Day weekend — in the uber-politically correct academic environment. Brown’s action is part of the larger effort by the academic left to cast Columbus as a villain and focus on Native Americans as sainted martyrs.

Christopher Columbus statue (Frederic J. Brown / AFP / Getty)