Ilhan Omar - Page 5

Caroline Glick: ‘Blood of Jews’ on Hands of Left-Wing Lawmakers, Media

Appearing on Steve Malzberg’s weekly Sunday commentary show Eat the Press, conservative American-Israeli columnist Caroline Glick blasted congressional leftists and the left-inclined media for a recent wave of violent attacks against Jews, accusing the left wing and its lawmakers of hating the Jewish state and having “the blood of Jews” on their hands, while blaming the media for “transforming America into an antisemitic state.”

Caroline Glick. Screenshot via YouTube.

Hamas Terrorist Leader: Buy Cheap Knives, ‘Behead Jews’

Hamas political leader and designated terrorist Fathi Hammad called on Palestinians in Jerusalem on Friday to buy cheap knives in order to behead Jews. Meanwhile, Democrats continue to cozy up to the Gaza terror group while condemning Israel for responding to attacks against it and calling to end or condition aid to the Jewish state.

Hamas politburo member Fathi Hammad speaks during a press conference at his home in Beit L