Minneapolis Riots - Page 2

USC Law Prof Jody Armour: Black Lives Matter Highway Protest Caused by ‘Festering Wounds’

University of Southern California Law School Professor Jody Armour recently defended a highway protest by Black Lives Matter activists in Los Angeles. On Wednesday, hundreds of protesters blocked traffic on the 101 freeway to bring attention to the death of George Floyd. According to Armour, the protest shows the “festering wounds that haven’t actually healed over time here in LA.”

USC Jody Armour

Minneapolis Police Chief: We’ve ‘Contributed’ to ‘Deficit of Hope’ – ‘Many’ Rioters Weren’t People We Recognized as Residents

During a press conference on Thursday, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo stated that there is “a deficit of hope in our city,” and the Minneapolis Police Department “has contributed to that deficit of hope,” but criminality that hurts the community further will not be allowed. He also said that “many of the people that were involved in the criminal conduct” on Wednesday were people that nobody recognized as residents of the city.

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo during 5/28/2020 press conference