Hawkins: The Second Amendment Does Not Create a Right to Keep and Bear Arms
The Second Amendment does not create a right to keep and bear arms, rather, it protects a pre-existing, God-given right to do so.

The Second Amendment does not create a right to keep and bear arms, rather, it protects a pre-existing, God-given right to do so.
Although Democrat and other leftist politicians will, from time to time, speak of the government’s ‘rights,’ we must never forget the government has no rights. Only the people have rights and the government, on the other hand, has powers.
The right to keep and bear arms is not something we as Americans possess because of government benevolence, but something with which our Creator endowed us.
U.S. District Judge David Counts, a Donald Trump appointee, ruled Monday laws barring people with felony indictments from purchasing guns do not square with the Constitution.
President Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson refused to say if she holds a position on whether individuals have natural rights.
Earlier this week Breitbart News met Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) at Gun Club 82 to put some rounds downrange and while we were together he explained that gun control is never the answer to surges in crime.
During a Wednesday night CNN town hall Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden stressed that the Second Amendment is “not absolute.”
CLAIM: During the Wednesday night CNN town hall Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden claimed the Founding Fathers did not intend for “everyone” to own guns.
Collin County, Texas, Commissioners cited “unalienable rights” Monday and declared their county a Second Amendment Sanctuary.
Huffington Post senior reporter Emily Peck says the “constitution gives gun owners greater rights than women.”
The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) issued a press release March 1 reminding Americans that government did not give us our rights and therefore is not in a position to regulate them via age restrictions.
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) introduced legislation Thursday to lower the legal minimum age for handgun purchases to 18.
A North Carolina woman who had recently relocated to Brownsville, New York, shot her ex-boyfriend as he attempted to break into her apartment.
A natural right that ends at state lines has theoretically moved from the arena of rights and into the category of privileges.
The rights enshrined in the Second Amendment would recover their fullest expression to date via national reciprocity.
On January 3, Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio pledged to undo President Obama’s “illegal and unconstitutional” executive gun control.