OPEC - Page 4

Marcus: Trump’s Courage Could Free U.S. from OPEC

Bernie Marcus writes that President Trump’s National Security Strategy tells us that we must “embrace energy dominance” by “unleashing our abundant energy resources,” including natural gas. If we follow that course, we could break free of the stranglehold of OPEC.


Saudis Planning $10B Investment in Texas

Saudi oil executives inked multi-billion dollar deals with companies to explore building petrochemical facilities along the Texas Gulf Coast. Essentially, they hope to capitalize on the U.S. oil and gas boom, largely fueled by shale drilling in the Permian Basin.

The Associated Press

Blackwell: Energy Security Means Putting America First

Every year, the United States spends $67.5 billion to ensure the worldwide free flow of oil. Often produced in unstable parts of the world and shipped through insecure chokepoints, the U.S. military works to make sure crude oil from other countries makes it safely onto the global market. Yet while this global oil market benefits some nations, its volatility threatens the American economy and undermines U.S. national security.

OPEC countries are complying with a landmark deal to reduce a worldwide glut in oil, the I

OPEC Agrees to Production Decrease, Prices Increase

At the end of September, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) surprised the markets by agreeing to a production cut. As soon as the 14-nation deal was announced, oil prices jumped more than five percent to some of the highest levels since the crash two years ago.

US oil rose above $50 a barrel in New York last week for the first time since June

Saudi Arabia Going Broke as Oil Crashes

The Kingdom is struggling with weak GDP growth, higher fees and taxes, and an economy that is unable to pay the dues to its workers, leaving thousands of workers from South Asia with an uncertain future.

Oil prices rose after energy giants Saudi Arabia and Russia agreed to freeze crude output

Republicans in Cleveland: Land Rights and ‘Drill Baby, Drill!’

CLEVELAND, Ohio—Republican delegates in Cleveland drew a sharp contrast to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats on Monday, pushing sharp restrictions on federal power over land and aggressive domestic energy production as vital to both the economy and national security during the Platform Committee debates ahead of the full party gathering next week to nominate the GOP’s standard bearer.

Oregon Cowboy Fed. Land Policy AP

Saudi Arabia Wages Oil Price War on Iran

Talk of a production cap to stabilize oil prices seems like a distant memory now, as Iran continues ramping up post-sanctions production and Saudi Arabia cuts oil prices to Europe to compete.

Oil derricks are silhouetted against the rising sun at an oilfield in the Baku October 16,

OPEC Chief: Oil is Now Too Cheap

Leading up to a crucial meeting for the global cartel next week, OPEC leadership has made plain that the price of oil is far too low to encourage investment and supply the global market in the longer term. The comments follow a variety of indicators beginning to signal a larger recovery.

OPEC Oil Chief

Saudi Arabia Abandons Deal to Cut Oil Production

Saudi Arabia has scuttled talk of a deal with other big oil nations to cut production and “warned high-cost operators such as U.S. shale drillers to trim costs or go bust, in a stark message that triggered fresh pressure on crude prices,” as the Financial Times put it.

Oil jumpjack (Hasan Jamali / Associated Press)

Venezuela Runs Out of Birth Control

Venezuela’s socialist government has run the OPEC nation’s economy to the group, prompting shortages of goods as varied as toilet paper, coffin materials, beer, and water. The shortage has now hit pharmacies, with most pharmacies having completely run out of most forms of contraceptives, particularly birth control pills.

Frank May/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images