Chiefs of Nation’s 3 Largest School Districts Have Resigned
The chiefs of America’s three largest public school districts have resigned within two months of each other following a tumultuous year.

The chiefs of America’s three largest public school districts have resigned within two months of each other following a tumultuous year.
The national teachers’ unions are gleeful that some media outlets have called the presidential election for former Vice President Joe Biden.
Chaos and turmoil descended upon one of the largest K-12 public school systems in the suburbs of Buffalo, New York, after Williamsville Central Schools Superintendent Scott Martzloff announced Friday that virtual classes for more than 1,000 students in grades 5-12 would be delayed because 90 staff members took leaves of absence because of coronavirus and more than 100 resigned or retired.
Leaders of the #RedforEd movement and Arizona’s teachers’ union are pushing for the state’s K-12 public schools to remain closed for in-person instruction until October at the earliest.
#RedforEd teachers went on strike in St. Paul, Minnesota, on Tuesday.
A Colorado teachers union has canceled its “Day of Action” protest at the state Capitol so that the group doesn’t “contribute in any way to the anxiety people are experiencing” based on fears of the Wuhan coronavirus.
Dr. Jill Biden spoke to the Illinois Education Association (IEA) on Friday, where she tweeted out this salute to the #RedforEd movement.
The Michigan Education Association revved up its attacks on President Donald Trump in advance of Tuesday’s presidential primary that pits former Vice President Joe Biden against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on the Democrat side, while the president is essentially unopposed on the Republican side.
The presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is working relentlessly to take Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) out of the race for the 2020 Democratic nomination for president by beating her in her home state of Minnesota in its primary on Tuesday.
Sens. Sanders ,Warren, and Klobuchar weighed in to support the St. Paul, Minnesota, #RedforEd strike vote authorization.
A poll by the American Federation for Children indicates the majority of Democratic primary voters favor continuing to fund charter schools.
The #RedforEd movement’s support for Democrat Andy Beshear, who defeated incumbent Republican Gov. Matt Bevins in Kentucky in November, has already paid off big time for the state’s teachers’ union when he recently “reinterpreted state law” on what a “work stoppage” is.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) secured another significant endorsement on Tuesday, earning the support of the Clark County Educational Association — the largest teachers’ union in the state representing the fifth-largest school district in the country.
The #RedforEd teachers’ movement continued to step up its 2020 political engagement with a rally Monday afternoon in Tallahassee, the capital of the battleground state of Florida.
The founder of the #RedforEd movement is now promoting “next-generation” political teacher activism to academics in graduate schools of education around the country in order to further advance a socialist agenda in the United States.
The #RedforEd teachers’ movement appears to be moving towards Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) as their choice for the 2020 Democrat nominee.
The #RedforEd teachers’ movement confirmed it is a purely political movement designed to help elect Democrats and stop the re-election of President Donald Trump in 2020.
Here are the top ten political power plays by the #RedforEd movement in 2019, all of which served as warm ups for the big event: the 2020 presidential election.
A #RedforEd protest against Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos fizzled in Arizona on Wednesday.
The #RedforEd movement continued its international expansion into Canada on Wednesday when an estimated 60,000 public school teachers and support staff went on a one-day strike in the province of Ontario.
#RedforEd teachers plan to hold a protest against state legislators who are members of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) at the organization’s annual States and Nation Policy Summit meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona, on Wednesday.
An estimated 15,000 public school teachers skipped classes in Indiana Tuesday to lobby the state legislature for more pay as part of the “Red for Ed Action Day.”
The #RedforEd movement shut down a number of K-12 public schools in Indiana on Tuesday as school teachers skipped class to protest at the State Capitol.
The #RedforEd teachers movement flexed its political muscle in the Kentucky gubernatorial race on Tuesday, powering the campaign of Democrat Attorney General Andy Beshear against incumbent Republican Gov. Matt Bevin.
The outcome of Tuesday’s gubernatorial election in Kentucky between Republican Matt Bevin and Democrat Andy Beshear will test the political power of the #RedforEd teachers movement.
The strike by the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) continued into its third day on Saturday as negotiations with Chicago Public Schools (CPS) failed to reach a resolution.
The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) followed through on their earlier threats and went on strike on Thursday, forcing the cancellation of all classes for the 361,000 K-12 students who attend Chicago Public Schools (CPS).
One thousand members of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) and Service Employees International Union (SEIU) marched through the streets of downtown Chicago on Monday, demanding more money.
The presidents of the two largest teachers unions, the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), are supporting the impeachment inquiry on President Trump.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will take his campaign for the 2020 Democrat Presidential nomination on Tuesday to join the strike authorization vote rally of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU).
Classes for the new academic year began in Chicago Public Schools on Tuesday as members of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) threatened to strike. That threat intensified on Wednesday.
The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) moved one step closer to a strike on Tuesday.
More than 1,000 Kentucky teachers broke the state’s labor laws when they called in sick to participate in #RedforEd promoted protests over their pension funds at the state capitol this spring, Kentucky’s Secretary of Labor said on Friday.
The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is threatening to strike, one month after it sent a #RedforEd delegation to Venezuela in support of socialist dictator Nicolas Maduro.
A four member delegation from the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), all active supporters of the #RedforEd movement, traveled to Venezuela earlier this month to provide support for the socialist regime of Nicolas Maduro.
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) used Twitter on Sunday to pander to teachers’ unions and the #RedforEd movement in advance of next week’s debates between 20 candidates vying for the 2020 Democrat nomination for president.
The president of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) made it clear in a partisan speech on Thursday that the nation’s second-largest teachers union she heads is aligned with the Democrat Party and fully intends to attempt to defeat President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election.
A grassroots parents group won a victory over the #RedforEd movement and the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network in Arizona last week as the State Board of Education dropped plans to introduce new sex education standards for public K-12 schools supported by those liberal groups.
A rally of #RedforEd teachers at West Virginia’s state capitol on Monday failed to intimidate the GOP controlled West Virginia State Legislature from moving forward with legislation that would authorize charter schools in the state.
Michigan teachers’ unions plan to hold a #RedforEd rally next Tuesday at the state Capitol in Lansing in support of Democrat Gov. Whitmer’s budget.