Roger Ailes - Page 4

'Visionary' Roger Ailes to Receive Bradley Award

FOX News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes will be honored with the $250,000 Bradley Prize for being a “visionary of American journalism” on June 12 at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C.  “Roger Ailes

'Visionary' Roger Ailes to Receive Bradley Award

Newsmax: Roger Ailes 'Man Obama Fears the Most'

Newsmax says there is a reason progressives like former Obama Green Jobs Czar Van Jones are so incensed about a new biography chronicling the life of presidential strategist-turned-Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes: he is “the man Obama fears the most.”

Newsmax: Roger Ailes 'Man Obama Fears the Most'

Roger Ailes Biography Hits #6 at Amazon

***UPDATE: As of Friday Zac Chafets’ Ailes bio climbed to #4 at Amazon. Late Thursday afternoon it reached as high as #3. The text below is the original story. The headline has been updated to reflect the latest ranking. The objective,

Roger Ailes Biography Hits #6 at Amazon

Anti-Fox News Book Funded by Soros-Backed, Tax-Exempt Organization

Gabriel Sherman, a contributing editor to New York Magazine, is being paid likely between $30,000-$90,000 by New America Foundation–a left-wing, George Soros-funded, tax-exempt organization–to write a forthcoming hatchet-job biography on Fox News’ Roger Ailes. Sherman scored a contract with Random

Anti-Fox News Book Funded by Soros-Backed, Tax-Exempt Organization

Anti-Fox Author Accused of Stalking Roger Ailes' Family

Has “stalking” become the new gold standard of investigative reporting for left-wing journalists? In the rough-and-tumble world of politics and media, family should be off limits–unless, of course, they have deliberately inserted themselves into the public discourse. This is an honor-code rule

Anti-Fox Author Accused of Stalking Roger Ailes' Family

Fox News Hires Dennis Kucinich

Fox News has hired former Congressman and outspoken progressive Dennis Kucinich as its newest on-air contributor. Kucinich may appear across various programs on both Fox Business Network and Fox News. His first appearance will be on “The O’Reilly Factor” on

Fox News Hires Dennis Kucinich

No, Karl Rove Was Not 'Benched' from Fox News

The accuracy of a claim that had generated significant chatter in liberal circles regarding Fox News boss Roger Ailes having “benched” Karl Rove as a contributor in the aftermath of the presidential election is being called into question, as Rove

No, Karl Rove Was Not 'Benched' from Fox News

Media Matters to Launch Radio Endeavor

Air America’s radio efforts failed miserably. Any number of left-wing challengers to Rush Limbaugh have gone down in flames faster than the Hindenburg. Despite all that left-wing radio carnage, the Soros-funded, extreme left-wing Internet site Media Matters for America is

Media Matters to Launch Radio Endeavor

Fox News Mole Charged With Grand Larceny

“Fox News mole” Joe Muto tweeted this morning that he was issued a search warrant today, and that his iPhone, laptop, and old notebooks were confiscated by law enforcement. Muto added that he was being charged with “grand larceny, among

Fox News Mole Charged With Grand Larceny

Ailes Responds to Palin's Breitbart News Interview

Fox News President Roger Ailes has just released a statement in response to’s exclusive interview with Governor Sarah Palin. At the close of the interview, the Governor was asked about Ailes’ recent remarks that she “had no chance to be

Ailes Responds to Palin's Breitbart News Interview

Roger Ailes and Mao: Basically the Same Guy

Those bastions of objectivity over at Rolling Stone magazine have taken a break from publishing off the record comments and covering the exploits of Lady GaGa to defend America against non-liberal news bias. Their target, of course, is Roger Ailes,

Where Is the Media On Progressives' Call to Lynch Justice Thomas?

The silence from many progressives and the mainstream media is revolting. [youtube E3ctO7fdrcc nolink] Where is Media Matters? Daily Kos? Ed Schultz? Lawrence O’Donnell? Rachel Maddow? Chris Matthews? Katie Couric? Where is John Lewis and Emanuel Cleaver? Al Sharpton? Where

'Rabbis' Run Interference For Soros

If you get the paper edition of The Wall Street Journal you probably won’t be able to ignore a full-page ad signed by 400 rabbis and paid for by a group calling itself Jewish Funds for Justice. The ad takes

MSNBC President Praises Fox's Roger Ailes

Interesting, considering the source. At some point, politics are laid by the wayside because capitalism wins every time. Among the many quotes in the Esquire profile of Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, one stood out: MSNBC president Phil Griffin. Griffin,