Samir Kuntar

Pro-Hezbollah Newspaper: U.S. Officials Say Israel Planning for War With Lebanon

TEL AVIV – A pro-Hezbollah Lebanese newspaper claimed Saturday that American officials warned Beirut that Israel is planning an imminent war against Lebanon. According to Al Akhbar, U.S. officials were informed by their Israeli counterparts that Saudi Arabia’s decision to cut back Lebanese aid and categorize Hezbollah as a terrorist organization has encouraged Jerusalem to plan an attack against its northern neighbor

Israeli Defense Force IDF

Report: Germany Tells Hezbollah Israeli Response to Kuntar Retaliation Will be ‘Forceful and Costly’

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah (pictured) rejected German diplomats’ warnings against retaliating for the alleged Israeli assassination of a senior Hezbollah operative near Damascus, Lebanese newspaper Aliwaa reported on Wednesday. According to the report, German diplomats, likely relaying a message directly from Israel, told the Hezbollah leader Israel’s

Hassan Nasrallah

Child-Murderer Kuntar is Latest Palestinian Superhero

TEL AVIV – Samir Kuntar, the terrorist who murdered a four-year-old by smashing her skull with the butt of his rifle, is labelled the newest Palestinian “national hero” and his death is claimed to be proof that Israel is in cahoots with the Islamic State, Palestinian Media Watch reported.

child-murderer Kuntar

World View: Israel and Hezbollah May Be Close to War Again

Contents: Merry Christmas, happy Kwanza, belated happy Hanukkah, Ramadan, Winter Solstice!; Hezbollah promises revenge for deadly Israeli airstrike in Syria; Israel and Hezbollah may be close to war again; Russia is sharing information with the Taliban in Afghanistan to fight ISIS

REUTERS/Ali Hashisho

Fatah: Murderer Samir Kuntar Was ‘National Hero’

TEL AVIV – A member of Fatah’s Central Committee sent a condolence letter this week  to Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah mourning the death of Samir Kuntar, calling the Lebanese terrorist a “national hero” and a “Palestinian martyr.” In his letter, which

The Associated Press