Sexual Abuse - Page 6

Docuseries Alleges Planned Parenthood Enables Child Sex Abusers

“Despite Planned Parenthood’s public rhetoric as well as laws requiring it to report suspected abuse, its failure to report has been deliberate and widespread,” Rose said. “Time and again, rather than reporting abuse to authorities, Planned Parenthood has repeatedly looked the other way and performed abortions on victims as young as 12 years old. These girls deserved advocacy but instead Planned Parenthood staff ignored their abuse and returned them to the waiting arms of their abusers.”

Pedestrians walk past a Planned Parenthood clinic on May 18, 2018 in Chicago, Illinois. Th

Alleged Abuse Victim Urged to Keep Quiet to Protect ‘Democrat’ Schneiderman

In the bombshell New Yorker piece that resulted in Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s resignation over multiple allegations of sexual misconduct Monday night, one of his accusers claims that she was urged to keep quiet about his alleged physical abuse because “Schneiderman was too valuable a politician for the Democrats to lose.”

In this March 21, 2016 file photo,New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman speaks at a