World War I - Page 2

Prince and Prime Minister Mark Centenary of Battle of Amiens

AMIENS, France (AP) — Britain’s Prince William and Prime Minister Theresa May, joined by ministers and ambassadors from Allied countries and a former German president, marked on Wednesday the centenary of the Battle of Amiens — a short, bloody and decisive confrontation in northern France that heralded the end of World War I.

Prince Willian and Theresa May

America Commemorates World War I Centennial

Senior Curator at the National World War I Museum and Memorial, Doran Cart, joined Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam on Thursday to discuss the centennial commemoration of the U.S. entering World War I on April 6, 1917.

world war I

Veteran Races Against Time to Return WWI Purple Hearts

A group that seeks to reunite lost Purple Hearts with service members or their descendants is embarking on an ambitious project: to return 100 such medals or certificates earned in World War I before the 100th anniversary next April of the United States’ entry into the conflict.

In this May 27, 2016 photo, Zachariah Fike, founder of the organization Purple Hearts Reun

101 Years Ago Today, Christmas Truce Halted World War I

One hundred and one years ago, the Christmas Truce of 1914 was a spontaneous cease-fire and a day of Christian brotherhood for both sides of the No Man’s Land along the Western Front. The event was kept secret by senior military officers and government censors as an embarrassing breakdown in military discipline.

Originally published in The Illustrated London News, January 9, 1915. The Illustrated Lon

Veterans Day: The American Devotion to Military Service

It is a long-term and striking characteristic of the American people to show particular devotion to their soldiers. The famed French observer of American life, Alexis de Tocqueville, understood in the 1830’s how the people of a participatory republic like the United States would be both fierce in war and show an uncommon devotion to those who had served in the military.

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Tom Cotton Proves: History is Wasted on the Old

Bob Schieffer could barely contain his outrage at Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) for daring to warn the Iranian leadership that any nuclear deal would have to be ratified by the Senate, under the U.S. Constitution, to be binding. As Cotton explained in his appearance on CBS News’ Face the Nation, Iran is clearly not hearing that from the Obama administration itself, which is desperate to achieve “peace at any price,” rather than using constitutional constraints as leverage to force a better deal.
