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New York Times Report Calls Facebook’s FTC Agreement into Question

A new report from the New York Times about the social media giant Facebook has called into question whether the company adhered to a 2011 consent decree with the FTC. One expert said that Mark Zuckerberg’s company operates “without any apparent sense that they have to follow the law, even while on parole.”

The Associated Press

Elon Musk Fails to Deliver Boring Company Promises

Elon Musk promised to display a self-driving car traveling down a futuristic tunnel system to demonstrate the Boring Company’s abilities — instead, the company showed a regular car driving down a bumpy, patchwork tunnel.

Elon Musk Boring Company

The Guardian: ‘Doxxing’ Is ‘Effective’ Tactic Against ‘Far Right’

In an article for the Guardian, Wednesday, writer Jason Wilson claimed that though doxing is a “tactic” that has been “sneered at by some,” it has “proven to be effective” against ideological opponents and in “dismantling the far right.” Ironically, the same write called doxing a “danger facing US journalists” in June.


Facebook Blocks Christmas Ads from ‘Christ Centered Gamer’

Facebook recently refused to run Christ buying guide advertisements from Christian gaming review website “Christ Centered Gamer,” a decision the social media giant told Breitbart News was an “error,” but the company has made no move to reverse the decision and has not contacted Chris Centered Gamer since.

Christian gaming website Christ Centered Gamer attempted to run ads on Facebook which were