LGBT - Page 3

‘Transphobic, Unsafe:’ Oberlin College Lacrosse Coach Under Attack by Woke Administrators for Defending Women’s Sports

The head coach of Oberlin College’s lacrosse team says she was called “transphobic” and “unsafe,” and investigated by the woke college after questioning transgender swimmer Lia Thomas, a biological male, winning last year in the NCAA. “It is scientific that, biologically, males and females are different,” the lacrosse coach added. “I don’t believe biological males should be in women’s locker rooms. Where is the MeToo movement now? What happened to that?”

transgender athletes ATLANTA, GA - MARCH 17: University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas

Never Upset the Alphabet People: St. Philip’s College Fires Prof for Making LGBT Student ‘Uncomfortable’

Professor Will Moravits  was reportedly fired from St. Philip’s College in San Antonio, Texas, after making a student “uncomfortable” for allowing open debate on topics such as homosexuality and policing. The professor’s lawyer says that he expects the college “to begin acting like a real educational institution that serves the Texas taxpayers rather than some sort of self-appointed cultural centurion that enforces ideological orthodoxy.” The lawyer added that the College’s action again “is a travesty and basically a fraud on the Texas taxpayers, not to mention suppression of his First Amendment rights and a violation of the Community College Districts own academic freedom policy to boot.”

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - 2021/07/24: A demonstrator shouts through a megaphone and holds a