Public Policy Polling

Progressive Pollsters Take over Dem Mockery Machine with “Deez Nuts”

With Jon Stewart retired and Stephen Colbert off the air for the summer, the Democrat establishment has picked up the slack in their tried-and-true technique of victory through mockery. Democratic polling firm Public Policy Polling (PPP) included a teenager using the name “Deez Nuts” in a recent presidental poll and showed him polling at 9 percent.

Deez Nutz (Screenshot / Youtube)

Poll: Donald Trump Leads GOP Field in North Carolina

“Trump’s favorability rating in North Carolina is 55/32, much higher than we were finding in national polls prior to his entry into the race. Trump’s really caught fire with voters on the far right- 66% of ‘very conservative’ voters see him favorably to only 24% with a negative view of him. Trump is polling particularly well with younger voters (29%) and men (20%),” Public Policy Poll (PPP) reported.


Latest PPP Poll: Walker, Bush, Rubio Lead GOP Field

One challenge several candidates will face as they try to maintain their positions or move up in the polls is favorability ratings. A number of the Republican candidates may be near the ceiling of their potential support because of high negativity ratings, especially for those who have high name recognition; the voters have already made up their minds.

scott walker jeb bush marco rubio

Walker Support Solid, Establishment Favorite Bush Struggles in N.H.

As the Republican presidential candidates gather this weekend in New Hampshire, they’re all chasing a midwestern governor. The latest survey of New Hampshire Republicans, by liberal-leaning Public Policy Polling, finds Wisconsin’s Scott Walker with a strong lead at 24 percent, followed by a rising Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

The Associated Press

Cruz Campaign Touts Continued Strong Performance in Polls

AUSTIN, Texas — Now that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has been joined by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) in the presidential race, and other candidates are inching closer to throwing their hats in the ring, the Cruz campaign is touting several recent polls that show he is continuing to be a top contender in the Republican presidential primary.


Poll: Rand Paul Does Best with Independents Against Hillary Clinton

The latest poll from Public Policy Polling (PPP) shows that Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) fares the best among the presumed 2016 Republican presidential candidates against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with independent voters, and is one of the top three contenders overall against her.

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster