Katie McHugh - Page 3

Articles by Katie McHugh

Exclusive—Poll: Majority Oppose Anti-Trump, Pro-Illegal Alien Protests

Violent protests against President Donald Trump and an America-First agenda appear to be backfiring: A new poll shows a majority of voters strongly disapprove of the Left’s attempts to stall Trump’s appointments and of liberals defending criminal illegal aliens.


Report: Stopping Only Nine Percent of Illegal Alien Border Crossers Would Pay for Trump’s Border Wall

Even a minimally effective border wall that stopped less than ten percent of illegal crossings would save the U.S. billions. “If a border wall stopped between 160,000 and 200,000 illegal crossers—nine to 12 percent of those expected to successfully cross in the next decade—the scaled savings would equal the $12 to $15 billion cost of the wall,” CIS Director of Research Steven Camarota writes.


Poll: Voters Trust Trump Administration More Than Media

A majority of registered voters, 53 percent, said the media are untruthful, while 39 percent said they were untruthful. When it came to the Trump administration, 49 percent said they were truthful, while 48 percent said they were untruthful.

US President Donald Trump makes his way to board Air Force One before departing from Andre

Poll: 56 Percent of Democrats Want All of Trump’s Nominees Blocked

A majority of Democrats and liberal voters want Democrats in Congress to block every nominee and bill from the Trump administration, a Morning Consult poll released Wednesday finds. Building off the Democrats’ vows of “resistance,” pollsters asked: “Democrats in Congress should


Poll: 55 Percent of Voters Support Trump’s Refugee Resettlement Freeze

A majority of voters support President Donald Trump’s executive order temporarily halting migration from terror-exporting countries, a Morning Consult poll released Wednesday finds. Pollsters worded the question to insinuate it was a blanket “Muslim ban,” but most voters still supported

Muslim Refugees AP

Rasmussen: 62 Percent of Voters Believe All of Trump’s Nominees Deserve a Senate Vote

The poll comes as Democrats obstruct the nomination process by refusing to show up to vote and claim the Supreme Court seat vacated by the late Antonin Scalia was “stolen” from Obama. Republicans had refused to confirm Obama’s third Supreme Court justice nominee, Merrick Garland, during the last year of his lame-duck term as the presidential election went on, enraging Democrats.

The Associated Press

Florida Mayor Orders End to Sanctuary City Policy

Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Giménez instructed county jails to comply with all federal immigration detainer requests on Thursday, only one day after President Donald Trump issued an executive order to strip federal funding from all sanctuary cities.


President Trump Praises ICE Agents, Border Patrol Agents

President Donald Trump singled out border patrol agents’ representatives Chris Crane and Brandon Judd for praise during a policy speech Wednesday, thanking them for their service and promising they will be allowed to carry out their jobs under his administration.

The Associated Press