Confirmation Train Wreck: Gillibrand Scolds Hegseth, Demands Mothers Serve on Front Lines

On Tuesday’s “Alex Marlow Show,” host and Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow discussed the confirmation hearings for Pete Hegseth and the discussion in them on mothers in combat.

Marlow stated, “I’m not saying that they need to be banned, I’m just saying that, in an ideal world, the amount of mothers who are serving in combat, for me, is zero” and there might be exceptions, but broadly, “overall, the goal should be zero.”

“The Alex Marlow Show,” hosted by Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow, is a weekday podcast produced by Breitbart News and Salem Podcast Network. You can subscribe to the podcast on YouTubeRumbleApple Podcasts, and Spotify.

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