Riot police were forced to fall back and barricade themselves inside a building as the intensity of sectarian violence grew around a refugee centre in Germany last night.
The riot turned Thuringa, Germany into a warzone on Wednesday after “religious differences” between different Muslim sects over their interpretation of the Koran led to mass demonstrations at an asylum centre in the town. The building was trashed, with windows smashed, doors and stud walls demolished and furniture destroyed. Eighteen, including six police officers, had to seek hospital treatment.

Left, torn pages of the Koran that started the dispute. Right, a trashed office within the complex /
Local sources told Breitbart London that riot police were pushed back by the immigrants and journalists had to run for their lives as men armed with iron bars and stones rampaged. Fires were deliberately set and police officers were forced to take shelter, locking themselves inside a building.
Some of the extraordinary scenes have been caught on camera, as hundreds of voices scream the Muslim war-cry “Allahu Akbar” into the German night. Spiegel reports there had been an attempted lynching after one man in the asylum centre had torn pages out of the Koran and put them in the toilet. After police stepped in to protect the man, the mob turned on him instead.
The Prime Minister of the State of Thuringa has responded by ordering that in future, migrant accommodation would be segregated by ethnicity to reduce the chances of different groups trying to kill each other once they had arrived on German soil. This is the second riot at the same centre this month – two weeks ago eight were injured as inmates protested their standard of living as financed by the German taxpayer.
Overcrowding caused by the unprecedented numbers of immigrants to Germany may have also been a contributing factor. Local media reports that while the centre is rated to hold a maximum of 1,200 people, presently over 1,800 live there. Just yesterday the German government revised its annual asylum estimated upwards, as they reacted to the heavier than anticipated flow of human traffic across the Mediterranean and up the Balkans. Until this week the government reassured its people there would only be 450,000 asylum applications in 2015 – still the highest figure every recorded for the country, but what they considered manageable. Yesterday, it was moved to 800,000.
Watch: Immigrants Scream ‘Allahu Akbar’ as they riot
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