David Axelrod: WSJ Poll ‘Very, Very Dark’ for Joe Biden

biden Border
Nhac Nguyen/Pool Photo via AP

A recent Wall Street Journal poll caused David Axelrod to deliver a stern warning to President Joe Biden about his sinking approval rating, as the survey found that just 37 percent of voters approved of the president, while 61 percent held an unfavorable view.

Axelrod’s willingness to slam the president for his terrible polling numbers highlights a faction within the Democrat party that opposes Biden’s reelection campaign.

“You know, job approval down, ratings generally down, most of the comparatives with Trump … not good,” Axelrod said on the podcast “Hacks on Tap.”

Axelrod said the most alarming data is the public perception of Trump’s successful policies compared to Biden’s nearly abandoned economic agenda of so-called “Bidenomics.”

Among the findings of the Journal’s poll:

  • 49 percent of voters said Trump’s policies personally benefited them.
  • Only 23 percent said the same for Biden’s policies.

“You know what I worry about … from a Biden standpoint is there are the kinds of things you get when people are starting to rationalize their votes — ‘Oh look, they’re ready to fire Biden, that’s a problem,’” Axelrod continued. “And they just put out another photo op with the Bidenomics sign next to him. … It’s just unbelievable to me.”

Axelrod’s recent criticism of Biden is the second instance from him in about a month. He previously asked Biden to reconsider running for reelection.

“If he continues to run, he will be the nominee of the Democratic Party. What he needs to decide is whether that is wise, whether it’s in HIS best interest or the country’s,” he said.

Many in the Democrat party feel similarly to Axelrod, as Breitbart News reported. Their beliefs are constantly confirmed by negative polling for the president.

Additional polling spells doom for Biden:

  • Pew ResearchBiden’s approval rating sinks to just 33 percent, the lowest since he took office.
  • GenForward: Trump’s support among black Americans is surging ahead of the 2024 election.
  • CNN Poll: Joe Biden’s approval rating sinks to lowest of his presidency.
  • NBC News: Biden’s approval rating tanks to the lowest level of his presidency.
  • Morning Consult: Trump leads Biden in six of seven crucial swing states.
  • Gallup Poll: Joe Biden’s support among independents drops eight points to a record low of 27 percent.

Follow Wendell Husebø on “X” @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


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