Stephen Moore, economist and coauthor of Trumponomics: Inside the America First Plan to Revive Our Economy, noted that the Biden administration’s “insane climate change policies” are creating a global food crisis by artificially increasing the cost of fossil fuels such as gasoline and natural gas.
Poorer countries are experiencing increases in hunger and malnutrition due to rising costs of global commodities such as oil due to the Biden administration’s policies, Moore said on Friday’s edition of the Breitbart News Daily podcast with host Alex Marlow. “Starvation” via artificial famines may follow if the trajectory continues, he warned.
Moore remarked, “It’s a tragic situation , because … energy is critical to growing food and to delivering food, and so when you disrupt a country’s energy supply the way Biden has done, it affects everything, but food production is a big area.”
Government-driven inflation, particularly the increasing cost of food, particularly harms lower-income Americans, Moore observed. He noted the Democrat party and broader left’s frequent framing of their politics as somehow beneficial for Americans with the least wealth.
Moore said, “In the United States, [it means] people have to pay more at the grocery store, and that’s a hardship, especially for lower-income people, because I thought they were trying to help lower-income people, but they’re the ones who are really suffering because this puts a real punch in their budget.”

Joe Biden (L) speaks as Kamala Harris looks on during an event August 12, 2020 in Wilmington, Delaware. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
“In other countries, you’re talking about real hunger and malnutrition, and even — God forbid — starvation, because they can’t get enough food produced because of this world economic crisis that, unfortunately, was started by these insane climate change policies of the Biden administration,” he determined.
Moore noted the Biden administration’s absence of top-level officials with professional experience in business — including President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris — explored in a report published by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity,

A truck carrying aid packages from the World Food Program (WFP) drives through the town of Hazano in the rebel-held northern countryside of Syria’s Idlib province, on May 16, 2022. (OMAR HAJ KADOUR/AFP via Getty Images)
Moore stated, “We were obviously mystified by how the Biden administration could screw up the economy so quickly. You go back 15, 16 months ago, we had a one-and-a-half percent inflation rate. Now we’re at nine percent. It’s incredible that you could derail the economy so rapidly, and I think one of the explanations comes from this report.”
Most high-level Biden administration officials have no business experience, either as employees or owners, Moore shared.
He went on, “We found that the majority of high-level people in the Biden administration, starting with the top — starting with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, down to his cabinet agencies, down to the people who run the regulatory agencies down to the people who are key economic finance people in the White House — it turns out that the majority of them, not only have they never run a business, they’ve never actually even worked for a business, at least in their professional lives.”
“Most of them are either lawyers, community activists, professors, or people from other kinds of walks of life that have no experience in business whatsoever.” he remarked. “The average Trump appointee has about four to five times more business experience.”
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