Acorn - Page 4

Obama's Soros-Controlled Energy Council

When politicians want to look busy while avoiding tough decisions during an election year, what do they do? They form commissions and councils. And when President Barack Obama saw Americans struggling with highergasoline and home energy prices, did he encourage

Obama's Soros-Controlled Energy Council

True the Vote National Summit Sees Sold-Out Attendance

True the Vote, Catherine Engelbrecht’s non-profit and nonpartisan effort dedicated to ensuring our nation’s elections are free and fair, held its second annual national summit over the past weekend.  Tickets sold out quickly as participants traveled from over 30 states

True the Vote National Summit Sees Sold-Out Attendance

'Abortion Bowl-a-Thon' Raises $400,000 to Fund Abortions

First, we had Planned Parenthood’s 40 Days of Prayer for Abortion, and now we have The National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF) third annual National Abortion Access “Bowl-a-Thon.” NNAF, which calls itself a “reproductive justice organization,” says it is an affiliation of more than

'Abortion Bowl-a-Thon' Raises $400,000 to Fund Abortions

FOIA Shows Link Between ACORN and NLRB

Cause of Action, a nonpartisan group that seeks more transparency in government,recently discovered e-mails through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that show linkages between top National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) executives and ACORN,the liberal community organizing group Andrew Breitbart

FOIA Shows Link Between ACORN and NLRB

Voter ID Laws: Racist or Reasonable?

There’s been much said lately about election integrity and voter identification laws. Both sides of the American political spectrum have raised concerns over polls and potential abuses in the American voting process. In fact, due to the serious voter registration

Voter ID Laws: Racist or Reasonable?

The Obama Administration's Attack on Fair Elections

Judicial Watch recently announced a major new campaign to stop leftist activists and their allies in the Obama administration from undermining the integrity of the elections in 2012. As the nation heads into another presidential election season, our 2012 Election Integrity Project

The Obama Administration's Attack on Fair Elections

'American Spring': Occupy Banks, Bring Your Own Couch

As the Occupy movement begins its transition to “Occupy Phase 2: An American Spring,” activists are turning to history and adding a modern twist to reshape the narratives that will drive much of the Occupy momentum in coming months. One of those

Keith Olbermann Now DENIES He Denied Occupy Rapes Happened

Keith Olbermann, still unable to admit that he was wrong, tweeted today: “@Wes_Wheeler I didn’t cover them up nor pretend they didn’t happen. I just refused to blame the Occupy rape victims as @AndrewBreitbart did” Decide for yourself. Olbermann previously tweeted: “Love this. @AndrewBreitbart goes nuts,

Cenk Ugyur Lies About Breitbart 'Terror' Remark

This evening, Andrew Breitbart accepted Cenk Uygur’s invitation to appear on Current TV to debate the phenomenon of rape in the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. The result was a complete demolition of Uygur, whose ignorance and dishonesty were on full

Judicial Watch Announces: The 2012 Election Integrity Project

We all saw what happened in 2008 and 2010, where the now bankrupt “community organization” ACORN and its partner in crime, Project Vote, engaged in massive voter registration fraud. (The starting line-up for the Dallas Cowboys registered to vote in Nevada, to

Monday Crib Sheet: SC Voters Defeat MSM In A Blowout

– Mitt Romney unhinged: Calls Gingrich a “disgrace,” failure.” Will MSM reprimand Romney for going mean or do they save that line of attack for Gingrich specifically? Instead, MSM keeps insisting that the guy with the blowout victory in SC

Big Labor Partisanship at Teacher Expense

However they market themselves, public unions are political by nature, brimming partisanship that goes beyond their skewed campaign spending. Every Republican teacher, public safety worker, and government employee forced to pay “fair share” dues should be outraged. My state’s National

DOJ Conspiring with ACORN-Connected Project Vote?

Something fishy is going on over at the Obama Department of Justice (DOJ). And it very well could threaten the integrity of the 2012 elections. As you may recall, Judicial Watch investigated a partnership between the DOJ and ACORN-connected Project

Ron Bloom, Obama's Pinstriped Union Thug

Sometimes union thugs wear pinstriped business suits. Investment banker Ron Bloom is one of those thugs. He decided in the 1970s to devote his life to helping labor unions stick it to America’s corporations. As an organizer, negotiator, and researcher

Sherrod Brown Smears Big Labor's Critics as McCarthyists

Always happy to attack Big Labor’s enemies, Sherrod Brown (D-OH) did so from the Senate floor during the debate over Craig Becker’s appointment to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). After being placed during a recess, Becker has driven NLRB’s

Obama and Matthews Tango on Hardball

CHRIS MATTHEWS: Tonight, President Barack Obama. Let’s play Hardball. OBAMA: Hello, Chris. Hey, you ever see someone about your ADHD problem? MATTHEWS: Too busy. Sir, recently I criticized you pretty harshly. You came on anyway. I’d like to kiss and

Union Thug Leo Gerard Calls for a 'Resistance' Movement

The United Steelworkers (USW) Marxist president Leo Gerard believes if Big Labor can’t get what it wants through the ballot box it’s time to start cracking skulls. The Canadian-born Gerard loves a brawl. In 1999 he helped the violent anarchists

ACORN Was Exonerated?

Former ACORN head Bertha Lewis took part in a radio interview where she hinted that Karl Rove was part of a conspiracy to kill ACORN and that ultimately the defunct, disgraced group was exonerated. We suggest that you not drink