Biden Undercuts Pelosi: $5 Trillion Spending Agenda Might Not Pass by End of Week
Joe Biden’s comments undercut House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s insistence that the top three pieces of legislation need to pass this week
Joe Biden’s comments undercut House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s insistence that the top three pieces of legislation need to pass this week
The far-left Democrats forced out provisions to fund Israel’s Iron Dome from the continuing resolution (CR) that would keep the government funded and raise the debt ceiling, according to reports.
The fractured House Democrat Conference amid a burgeoning fight between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her Democrats’ left flank led by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), along with disagreements between some Senate Republicans and the Trump administration, threaten to complicate upcoming spending and debt ceiling negotiations between Congress and the White House.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) celebrated the end of the government shutdown by bragging about manipulating President Donald Trump.
David Clarke advised Donald Trump’s supporters to pressure their elected officials to fund construction of a border wall.
“When I begrudgingly signed the Omnibus Bill, I was promised the Wall and Border Security by leadership,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “It didn’t happen!”
The House Freedom Caucus will lead a special order on the floor of the House of Representatives on Wednesday evening, where its members will push for funding for President Donald Trump’s planned border wall.
White House Senior Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway said in an interview with Fox News that Trump would consider a continuing resolution to keep the government operating until February 8th.
House Republican leadership told reporters on Monday that they will likely propose and vote on a two-week spending bill this week, punting a potential government shutdown fight over wall funding to the end of December.
Democrats are “winning the narrative” and “winning their priorities” in Capitol Hill spending deals despite congressional GOP majorities and a Republican president, said Tom Van Flein, current chief of staff for Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), on Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Rebecca Mansour.
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis described continuing resolutions, government shutdowns, and Congress’s failure to pass a budget as “debilitating” and “very damaging,” listing the specific fallout from not funding the 2018 National Defense Strategy.
In an 81-18 vote on the Senate floor on Monday, a Continuing Resolution was passed to fund the federal government until Feb. 8.
Senate Democrats caved on the “Schumer Shutdown,” on Monday, agreeing to a three-week spending bill that funds the government until February 8.
Despite a looming government shutdown, Vice President Mike Pence, the President of the U.S. Senate, took off for a trip to Egypt, Jordan, and Israel on Friday night.
On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time,” Representative Mo Brooks (R-AL) stated he doesn’t know what the White House’s position on border security or funding the government is. Brooks said, “What the president has done, quite frankly, is pretty
186 House Democrats voted against keeping the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) funded for the next six years as they opposed a stopgap spending measure in the House of Representatives Thursday that would keep the government open for the next four weeks.
Republicans will destroy their base of political support if they help pass a “crappy” amnesty bill, said Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) on Wednesday.
Center for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney told SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Wednesday’s Breitbart News Daily that the trillion-dollar continuing resolution’s increase in military spending is “important,” and the increase in border security spending sends an “important signal of where the administration seeks to go,” but both are “fairly modest down payments” on President Trump’s agenda.
Last week’s American airstrike on a Syrian base believed to house chemical weapons used to attack Syrian civilians has brought the issue of refugees once again to the forefront of the political debate.
Senate Democrats from coal mining states shamed their Democratic colleagues in joining them in a procedural vote Thursday that would have ended debate on the continuing resolution to extend federal government funding through April over an extension of benefits for out-of-work coal workers.
Congressman Brian Babin (R-TX) talked about his effort to pause the refugee resettlement program until security concerns can be addressed on Wednesday’s Breitbart News Daily with SiriusXM host Alex Marlow.
It’s nearly the end of September and time once again for another congressional battle over a continuing resolution – or CR – a spending bill that funds the government for a short period of time. This time, the crux of the battle is over funding for Zika virus research and prevention.
The author of the stand-alone Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015 that the House approved, Rep. Diane Black was persistent in her message that a government shutdown would not be an effective strategy to defund the nation’s largest abortion provider in the wake of videos exposing its practices of selling the harvested body parts of aborted babies.
Conservative state lawmakers in Mississippi—who urged their congressional delegation in Washington D.C. to vote against a continuing resolution that would fund Planned Parenthood—found that their House members heeded them, but their U.S. Senators did not.
In what was ultimately a show-vote, the House once again passed a measure that supports the defunding of Planned Parenthood, as the abortion business is under congressional investigation for selling the body parts of aborted babies.
A group of conservative Mississippi state lawmakers are urging their congressional delegation in Washington to vote against any continuing resolution that includes funding for Planned Parenthood.
Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC), one of the 28 Republicans who publicly supports replacing House Speaker John Boehner with a Republican alternative, told Breitbart News on Tuesday that Boehner does not have enough support within the Republican conference to win re-election with just Republican votes.