Land Grab: Leftist UK Govt Hopes to Take Private Land Without Paying Full Market Price
Owners who don’t want to be turfed off their land face being effectively punished by eminent domain paying less than theoretical market rate.

Owners who don’t want to be turfed off their land face being effectively punished by eminent domain paying less than theoretical market rate.
San Francisco is using $100 million of the $550 million CA got from the federal Coronavirus Relief Fund to put homeless people in hotels.
It is the practice of legalized price gouging; making a killing under a system that has been thoroughly warped and corrupted by government public policy and by the rampant corporatizing of medical care in this country.
Ranchers and farmers in North Texas are angered over the prospect of losing their land and homes through an eminent domain taking for a new reservoir. One rancher estimates that 200 people will lose their property while the water will go to the Dallas area.
California High-Speed Rail agreed to increase payments to its construction manager by 18 percent after failing to complete its first 32-mile section within the seven-year deadline.
The Trump administration plans to dump about half of Amtrak’s $1.4 billion annual taxpayer subsidy by ending long-haul passenger services that cost taxpayers about $298 per round-trip and whose on-time performance is as low as 6 percent.
The president of the Texas Farm Bureau warned ranchers and farmers at the 83rd annual meeting that the Environmental Protection Agency’s new rule for waters in the U.S., “if it’s allowed to happen, will hamstring many farmers and ranchers to the extent that it might not even be possible to farm.” Farmers and ranchers in Texas are struggling with government bureaucracy in many areas.
Texas farmers and ranchers will vote on resolutions to stand-up against taking more farm and ranch lands through eminent domain for high speed rail and other construction projects during a meeting in San Antonio December 3-5. The 83rd meeting of the Texas Farm Bureau will address the challenges in agriculture and rural Texas.
Yes, the past always repeats itself. In our first installment, we saw how, in the 18th century, the English aristocracy went about clearing the peasants off of valuable land. To be sure, everything that the aristocrats did was legal — of course it was, because the gentry wrote the laws.
Diana Furchtgott-Roth of MarketWatch joined host Stephen K. Bannon on Breitbart News Daily Tuesday morning, to discuss a recent column listing four crucial issues where Donald Trump would prove most vulnerable in a general-election matchup against Hillary Clinton.
The following column by Diana Furchtgott-Roth, a senior fellow and director of Economics21 at the Manhattan Institute, appeared at
Katrina Pierson, spokesperson for the Donald Trump campaign, tells Breitbart News the latest eminent domain attack ad put out by the Ted Cruz campaign in South Carolina is misleading voters.
Donald Trump has now made clear that the thrust of his campaign will not be conservatism. It will instead be populism and nationalism.
Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has launched a 60-second attack-ad that is set to air across South Carolina, which accuses Trump of “a pattern of sleaze stretching back decades.”
GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. joined host Stephen K. Bannon on Breitbart News Daily on Monday, ahead of New Hampshire’s primary election on Tuesday, and took a swipe at former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush for going after his father on the issue of eminent domain during Saturday’s GOP debate.
Donald Trump took a shot at his conservative critics during a rally in Lexington, SC—especially the writers at National Review who have recently issued a collection of essays opposing his candidacy.
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump said an attack-ad about eminent domain from his competitor Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is “false advertising.”
Trump campaign spokesperson Katrina Pierson says the Ted Cruz campaign makes a claim, in a 30 second television ad now playing in Iowa, that Donald Trump “colluded with Atlantic City insiders to bulldoze the home of an elderly widow for a limousine parking lot at his casino,” which is an outright lie.
A group of about 30 men in camouflage bulldozed an active hospital in China this morning, destroying an estimated $600,000 worth of medical equipment and trapping doctors and patients inside.
The City of Houston has abandoned an effort to use eminent domain power to destroy the outdoor ministry area of Latter Day Deliverance Revival Church, a predominantly black church in Houston, Texas’s Fifth Ward.
Donald Trump’s view of eminent domain is not just immoral and un-American, it exposes a very troubling mindset that contradicts the populist appeal that has helped him get as far as he has in the Republican primary. People need to
“It would have been easy to say I’m totally against eminent domain but that is not a fair thing to say because without it, states couldn’t function,” GOP Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump tells Breitbart News in an exclusive interview.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump argued that eminent domain, including for private projects that “employ thousands of people” is “a wonderful thing” in an interview broadcast on Tuesday’s “Special Report” on the Fox News Channel. Trump stated, “I think eminent
I remember having a conversation with a local city official in Kentucky when the Kelo Supreme Court decision came down. Conservatives, myself included, were outraged that the Supreme Court had wrongly allowed using eminent domain to take private property from one private property owner and give it to another private owner.
The State of California is planning to use eminent domain law to acquire hundreds of farms in the Delta for a controversial, multi-billion-dollar underground water tunnel project proposed by Gov. Jerry Brown.
On Monday, Democrats in the California State Assembly’s Transportation Committee steamrolled their Republican opposition and killed a bill that would have restricted high-speed rail proponents from using eminent domain laws to commence condemnation actions against properties standing in the way of California Governor Jerry Brown’s pet project, the so-called “bullet train” from San Francisco to Los Angeles.
Breitbart reported in November that in the six years since California legislature approved the High-Speed Rail Authority (HSRA), just 7% of the 1,100 pieces of land needed for the first leg to travel 130 miles across farm country had been acquired.