Nolte: Scorsese Rewrote ‘Flower Moon’ — Didn’t Want Movie to Be All ‘White Guys’
Martin Scorsese said he rewrote “Killers of the Flower Moon” after realizing he “was making a movie about all the white guys.”

Martin Scorsese said he rewrote “Killers of the Flower Moon” after realizing he “was making a movie about all the white guys.”
Federal law’s preference for placing American Indian children with Indian caretakers is consistent with the Constitution, a divided Supreme Court held on Thursday.
What’s with all these Elizabeths pretending to be Indians?
Nolte: Some lunatic named Kay LeClaire, who claimed to be a non-binary (whatever that means) American Indian, turns out to be a white girl.
The inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris next week will be like no other and some hope it will feature the vice president in a sari.
Corporate immigration lawyers are asking a federal judge to take control of the immigration system from President Donald Trump and then suspend routine visa deadlines for at least two million foreign workers until after the coronavirus epidemic has passed.
A judge has gutted the Trump administration’s minimal curbs on the many Indian-run companies that import Indian college graduates to take the jobs needed by young U.S. graduates.
Utah Sen. Mitt Romney is a co-sponsor of Utah Sen. Mike Lee’s S.386 green card giveaway bill, in part, because the state’s political and business establishment is betting that imported Indian graduates will jump start the state’s version of Silicon Valley.
Democrat Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and GOP Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) predicted Wednesday that they would pass their revised S.386 bill, which opens a new pathway for more foreign temporary workers to stay, take Americans’ jobs, and lobby for more green cards.
A skewed news report triggered many progressive politicians, activists, and journalists to declare outrage towards the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) deportation of more than 200 Indian students — even though the ICE operation was launched under former President Barack Obama to block commonplace fraud against U.S. college graduates.
The government was “cruel” to deport roughly 200 Indian graduates who signed up for a no-show college so they could take jobs from U.S. graduates by fraud, according to a tweet from Sen. Elizabeth Warren.
Hollywood actress Alyssa Milano is horrified by the federal government’s conviction and deportation of more than 200 Indians who were trying to sneak into U.S. white-collar jobs and to win U.S. citizenship by fraud.
Indian H-1B visa workers are pressuring Illinois Democrat Sen. Dick Durbin to quit his opposition to a bill that gives fast-track green cards and citizenship to Indians who agree to take jobs from American college graduates.
Census data shows that one-in-seven software developers in Hudson County, New Jersey, were born in the United States, down from a six-in-seven share in 1980.
A Korean immigrant is suing Intel Corp. for allowing its imported Indian managers to favor the hiring and promotion of fellow visa-workers from India.
Silicon Valley and California’s wealthiest tech billionaires are bankrolling Sen. Mike Lee’s (R-UT) effort to allow India and China to monopolize the United States’ green card system.
An Indian-run company in Chicago fraudulently imported Indian graduates to take jobs from American graduates — and it paid Indian-level wages to the imported workers while competing for contracts sought by American firms.
Investors are rushing a bill through the GOP-run Senate to reward Indian college graduates for taking U.S. college-level jobs at low wages from young American graduates.
President Donald Trump will appear at a political rally for India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Houston, Texas, amid the growing push by business lobbies to raise the inflow of H-1B visa workers from India.
Pakistan has beefed up its military presence in Islamabad-controlled Kashmir, moving more than 2,000 troops closer to region’s border with India, Asian News International (ANI) reported Thursday.
Federal agencies must work harder to prevent Indian and Chinese college graduates fraudulently getting work visas and jobs which are needed by their U.S. counterparts, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office.
Looking to buy her way out of decades of identity fraud, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is using billions of our tax dollars and what can only be described as 1/1024th of an apology.
The lobbying push by high-tech investors to get more green cards for their army of Indian contract workers has triggered protests from many immigrant groups that will lose quick access to green cards.
House Republicans have created a political headache for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as he tries to keep GOP control of the Senate.
Lobbyists working for thousands of Indian contract workers are promising to overwhelm GOP Sen. Rand Paul’s opposition to a bill which puts many Indian temporary workers on a fast-track to permanent green cards.
Sen. Kamala Harris is declaring herself the supporter of working families — but she is the lead Democratic sponsor on legislation which offers green cards to hundreds of thousands of Indian college-grads who agree to take middle-class jobs sought by young American graduates.
FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. (AP) — John Little can hardly go a week without a reminder that he and other Native Americans often are viewed as relics of the past: the Indian maiden on the butter container at the grocery store, the kids’ teepees sold at popular retailers and the sports fans with their faces painted doing tomahawk chops at games.
Kamala Harris’s father is chastising his daughter and Democrat presidential hopeful for advancing stereotypes about pot-smoking Jamaicans.
A candidate for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts who describes himself as a “real Indian” is suing the city of Cambridge for demanding he remove his signs that say his challenger, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), is a “fake Indian.”
Chinese state media accused India of potentially triggering another showdown with Beijing along their mutual border, citing recent provocative comments by New Delhi officials and visits to the disputed border regions.
Movie theaters around the country are screening a glamorous new movie about a struggling-yet-handsome Indian H-1B contract-worker in the United States — but viewers aren’t told that the movie was funded by lobbyists to help import more foreign workers for the moviegoers’ own white-collar jobs.
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump referred to Sen. Elizabeth Warren as “the Indian” during a press conference on Monday.
Following three hours of heated and emotionally-charged public discussion at the University of Southern California on Tuesday evening, student Senators ultimately decided to postpone the vote on a controversial campus resolution urging $100 million be spent on mandatory diversity classes and to create an “inclusion climate” on campus.
Over 25,000 Indian farmers in Mathura, India, want permission to commit suicide if they do not receive any compensation from the government.
GOP presidential candidate Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) mocked the mainstream media by posting on his official Twitter account (@BobbyJindal) a campaign shirt that reads: “Tanned. Rested. Ready. Jindal 2016.”
A gaffe by Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) this weekend may have fatally wounded her campaign bid for outgoing Sen. Barbara Boxer’s (D-CA) seat after she made a war whoop sound and gesture while telling delegates and supporters about an ‘Indian-American.’