Jeanne Shaheen - Page 4

N.H. Candidates Spar over Women's Issues and Business Concerns

In New Hampshire, Democrat Jeanne Shaheen, no doubt looking to up turn-out among women, attacked Republican Scott Brown saying he’s “untrustworthy on women’s issues, such as abortion rights”.  Brown returned fire by highlighting her support for ObamaCare, which many view as

New Poll Has Brown Up Over Shaheen 47% to 43%

A new poll out by Vox Populi Polling has Republican Scott Brown leading Democrat Jeanne Shaheen 47 – 43 percent in their race for the U.S. Senate seat in New Hampshire. Republican Scott Brown 47  Democrat Jeanne Shaheen 43  Unsure

Brown Hits Shaheen Over Blocking of Cruz's Anti-ISIS Bill

The Scott Brown campaign released the following statement after Senate Democrats blocked Senator Ted Cruz’s bill to strip American ISIS fighters of their citizenship. Brown has used foreign policy, immigration and the economy to pull even with Jeanne Shaheen in

Brown Surge Marks Comeback In New Hamshire

Even MSNBC now finds itself forced to acknowledge the major shift in the race between Scott Brown and Jeanne Shaheen in New Hampshire, “Scott Brown is looking increasingly competitive against Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen, raising hopes among national Republicans that

Brown Surge Marks Comeback In New Hamshire

Scott Brown Tied With Shaheen in New Hampshire

A new CNN/ORC International poll just out had Republican Scott Brown in a dead heat with Democrat Sen Jeanne Shaheen in New Hampshire. The non-partisan poll should be considered more reliable than one the DSCC will soon be pushing.  The

Scott Brown: Jeanne Shaheen Stands with Obama on Amnesty

In response to Barack Obama’s purely political decision to delay his desired executive action on amnesty for illegal immigrants until after November’s mid-term elections, NH Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown said, “President Obama’s decision to delay executive action to grant amnesty to

Scott Brown: Jeanne Shaheen Stands with Obama on Amnesty

Biden's Double-Talk at NH Shipyard Could Hurt Shaheen

While Vice President Joe Biden was at a Navy shipyard in Portsmouth, N.H. praising Democrat Jeanne Shaheen for fighting base closures, Shaheen’s campaign was busy releasing a statement “to reiterate her strong opposition to the administration’s base closure recommendations and highlight the

Scott Brown Hits Biden on Judgement Before NH Visit

As Joe Biden travels to the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard where he’ll appear with Jeanne Shaheen, the Scott Brown campaign is out with a new 30 second video called “No Strategy” hitting Biden on his assessment of Obama’s foreign policy, or perhaps

Shaheen Blasted for Ducking Voters And On Immigration

Pointing out that New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte “has held three times as many town hall meetings as Jeanne Shaheen,” while only being in office “half as long as Shaheen,” today the New Hampshire Leader blasts Shaheen as basically a mouth piece

Trump Endorses Brown in New Hampshire

Businessman Donald Trump took to his Twitter account Tuesday to endorse Republican Scott Brown in the New Hampshire GOP primary election, citing what Trump claimed is Brown’s ability to win against incumbent Democrat Jeanne Shaheen.   .@SenScottBrown is the most

Nashua Telegraph Carrying Shaheen's Water on Outsourcing?

A series of emails shared exclusively with Breitbart News by sources within the Scott Brown campaign and the curious timing of a coming Nashua Telegraph story may cause some to wonder if Democrat Jeanne Shaheen isn’t outsourcing her campaign’s opposition

Pro-Amnesty Attack on Scott Brown Doesn't Hold Up to Scrutiny

Democrats, with help from liberal media are attempting to use a solitary procedural vote by New Hampshire Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown to suggest he’s attacking Democrat Jeanne Shaheen for something he supported. However, the Democrat’s charge does not hold

Cruz Hits Shaheen On Amnesty

In a move that could be construed as wading further into the pond of 2016 presidential politics, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz joined other prominent Republicans in attacking New Hampshire’s Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen for supporting what he called Obama’s “amnesty” immigration

Brown Hits Shaheen Over "Pro-Amnesty" Immigration Policy

With polls showing border security trumps a path to citizenship when it comes to immigration policy,  Scott Brown’s campaign is up with a new ad labeling Obama’s immigration policy “pro-amnesty” and also linking it to current New Hampshire Senator Jeanne

Scott Brown: Obama Policies 'Almost a Magnet' for Illegals

The unfolding illegal immigration crisis at the southern border is likely to change the political calculus of the fall midterm elections. Even in states far from the border, like New Hampshire, the situation is altering the political dynamics on the

Scott Brown: Obama Policies 'Almost a Magnet' for Illegals

Sharp Increase in Illegal Immigrant Children at Border Causes Crisis

An overwhelming number of children are being apprehended while attempting to illegally cross the the U.S.-Mexico border during recent months. The crisis, which has strained federal resources, has prompted lawmakers from around the U.S. to demand more funding to “accommodate” the children crossers.

Sharp Increase in Illegal Immigrant Children at Border Causes Crisis

Scott Brown Explores Run in New Hampshire Senate Race

Republican Scott Brown is now officially jumping into the U.S. Senate race in New Hampshire against Democratic incumbent Jeanne Shaheen, who voted for ObamaCare and may prove vulnerable. Polling in January had them only three points apart. While Shaheen’s alleged

Democratic Senator: Obama Got Osama

Jeanne Shaheen, the Democratic Senator from New Hampshire who was the national chairperson of John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign, has decided that she, like Kerry, doesn’t think American military veterans tell the truth. Yesterday, at an Obama campaign event, Shaheen introduced

Democratic Senator: Obama Got Osama