Church of England Accused of Becoming ‘Explicitly Political’ over CRT-Style School Lessons
The Church of England has been accused of becoming “explicitly political” over teaching CRT-style theories like as white privilege.

The Church of England has been accused of becoming “explicitly political” over teaching CRT-style theories like as white privilege.
Tens of millions of pounds earmarked for universities in Britain have reportedly been spent on far-left projects including examining the allegedly racist history of a collection of dried plants and increasing LGBTQ+ “representation” in Medieval History, a report has claimed.
White students have reportedly been banned from attending Black History Month events by the students union at Westminster University.
Celebrated English novelist Jane Austen has been replaced in a literature course in order to ‘decolonise of the curriculum’.
Schoolchildren need to be afforded the ability to make up their own minds on political matters, Education Secretary Nadhim Zawahi said.
The University of Oxford is reportedly considering using “woke scores” when judging the qualifications of prospective academics.
An elite British university has banned the phrase ‘trigger warning’ because the term may in itself be too “provocative” and trigger students.
Employees of Britain’s Civil Service, the supposedly politically neutral state bureaucracy, have been sent woke reading lists including works by prominent figures in the Critical Race Theory (CRT) movement, to foster an “anti-racist” environment.
Nigel Farage said that teaching ‘white privilege’ is designed to make white people hate their country, history, and themselves.
Thousands of children’s books, such as Dr Seuss, have been slapped with trigger warnings by Cambridge University for alleged racism.
White privilege and other tenets of leftist ideology should not be taught in school as “fact”, Britain’s recently installed Education Secretary, Nadhim Zahawi, has pronounced.
The National Theatre of Scotland announced that it will not be using the word “spooky” as it has been used previously as a racial slur.
An elite school in London that charges £19,000 per year, has been teaching white privilege lessons on the alleged racism faced by Meghan Markle.
The Students’ Union at Cambridge University has accused feminists of colluding with the “far-right” on matters concerning transgenderism.
A higher education trade union in Britain has drawn criticism for supporting its members to self-identify as another race.
A British university has told students to refrain from using terms such as “founding fathers”, “manmade”, “masterful”, and other words deemed to be sexist or racist.
Teachers who promote leftist ideas such as “white privilege” should be reported to the anti-extremist programme, a Tory MP reportedly argued.
English “operated as a language of the coloniser,” the University of East Anglia told students in the latest decolonise the curriculum push.
A leading teacher’s union called for “activist training” on “whiteness” to make “white privilege and colonialism” visible in schools.
Stonewall has told teachers in Britain to ditch the terms boys and girls and refer to pupils with the gender-neutral “learners”.
Students at Oxford University have voted to remove a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II because the print represented the UK’s “colonial history”.
The Telegraph reports that University of Oxford academics have complained that “Teaching notation which has not ‘shaken off its connection to its colonial past’ would be a ‘slap in the face’ for some students”, as it has “complicity in white supremacy”.
Scotland’s oldest public museum has created the position of ‘Curator of Discomfort’ to take the museum out of its “institutional comfort zone” and confront historical and modern-day “white supremacy”.
The University of Leicester has seen academics resign or cut ties after it removed studies in Medieval English in favour of a “decolonised curriculum”.
Left-wing bias has created a “chilling effect” in British academia which is forcing conservative and pro-Brexit academics to self-censor on campus, a report has found.
The University of Liverpool has cowed to pressure from left-wing student activists during the nationwide assault on British history and agreed to remove the name of former Prime Minister William Gladstone from a hall of residence over “his views on
Conservative grassroots parents, who voiced concerns that the true purpose of Common Core was to promote left-wing ideology in schools are vindicated, say education policy analysts at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).
Billy Bragg, the ineffably tiresome, millionaire Socialist singer songwriter thinks more left-wing history should be taught in schools. So does the ineffably tiresome, millionaire Socialist film director Mike Leigh…