New York Daily News - Page 2

Democrat: No Moment of Silence for San Bernardino

Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA), who represents southern San Francisco and San Mateo County, has announced that she will boycott any moments of silence for the victims of the San Bernardino terror attack, reinforcing a new left-wing talking point.

San Bernardino vigil (Mark J. Terrill / Associated Press)

Daily News Lets White Guy Write Word ‘N*gger’ 10 Times

The Leftwing media’s favorite phony black guy, the whiter-than-Mia Farrow Shaun King, wrote a lengthy oh-woe-is-me column for the Daily News Tuesday that contains ten uses of the racial slur “n*gger.” What does all this prove? It proves that the


New York Daily News May Be for Sale

The New York Daily News may be up for sale. Mort Zuckerman, the owner and publisher of the New York City tabloid newspaper, sent a memo to employees on Thursday that said he was approached about a potential sale a few weeks ago. The memo was sent to The Associated Press.

New York Daily News