Operation Rescue

Planned Parenthood President Praises Obama SCOTUS Nominee

Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards was spotted entering the White House several hours prior to a Women’s History Month reception following President Barack Obama’s announcement of his nominee to the Supreme Court, Judge Merrick Garland of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Texas abortions

Planned Parenthood Suing Texas in Fight for Medicaid Funding

Planned Parenthood is suing the State of Texas in a fight to continue to receive Medicaid dollars. Officials for the state stopped the abortion provider from receiving these funds after numerous undercover videos showed Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of baby parts and tissue. The state’s halt of dollars includes millions in federal dollars it distributes, as well as hundreds of thousands of state dollars.


Texas Bill Would Provide Legal Representation for an Unborn Child

A bill in the Texas Legislature proposed by two pro-life state legislators would, under limited circumstances, provide for legal representation of an unborn child. The law would provide for the appointment of an ad litem attorney for an unborn child in the event the mother is declared brain dead.

protect Life - AP Peter Morrison