Protests - Page 6

Hundreds, Angered by Inflation, Storm Parliament in South America’s Suriname

Hundreds of demonstrators clashed with police on Friday in Paramaribo, the capital of Suriname. Several dozen of the protesters were able to force their way into the National Assembly building, but were driven back with tear gas, while others burned and looted shops across the city. The United Nations expressed concerns on Monday that more violence could be in store, possibly building into an effort to overthrow President Chandrikapersad Santokhi.

Protests in Paramaribo, Suriname on February 17 2023. (Photo by RANU ABHELAKH/AFP via Gett

Anti-Lockdown Demonstrators Pay Tribute to ‘Bridge Man’ with Beijing Protest

Despite a brutal crackdown by the Chinese Communist regime, anti-lockdown protests continued in cities across China on Tuesday, including a band of courageous “blank paper” protesters who assembled on a pedestrian bridge in Beijing, inspired by the courageous dissident who hung banners critical of dictator Xi Jinping from a bridge in October.

protest china