Subway - Page 3

New York’s Summer Subway Crisis Puts More Pressure on Cuomo, De Blasio

NEW YORK CITY — Commuters in the Big Apple are having another rotten week after a track fire shut down four subway lines, pictures of which were plastered all over the front pages of the city’s newspapers Tuesday — putting more pressure on Democratic politicians in charge of making the trains run.

transit new york

NYC to Pay $16M for Illegals’ Lawyer Fees, Subways Held Together with Zip Ties

As left-wing Mayor Bill de Blasio designates millions of dollars of taxpayer money to pay the lawyer fees of illegal immigrants, New York’s failing subway system is falling into greater disrepair — with a state of emergency being declared by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and one straphanger spotting that her subway train was being held together with a zip tie.

Zip tie NYC Subway Car Twitter:@MsJaya_B