Taliban - Page 6

Afghan Women Protest Taliban Burqa Edict

A group of women identifying themselves as members of an anti-jihadist collective known as the “Justice and Freedom Movement” organized a protest on Monday in Kabul, Afghanistan, against a Taliban decree passed over the weekend mandating women cover their faces in public.

Biden - Members of Afghanistan's Powerful Women Movement, take part in a protest in Kabul

Exclusive — Army Veteran Stu Barnes-Israel: ‘Joe Biden’s Weakness Has Absolutely Emboldened Our Adversaries Around the World’

Stu Barnes-Israel, a former U.S. Army combat veteran who served in Afghanistan and a Republican candidate running to represent Indiana’s Ninth Congressional District, told Breitbart News Saturday that President Joe Biden’s “weakness” has been an “embarrassment” and has “absolutely emboldened our adversaries around the world.”

Stu Barnes-Israel for Congress

China, Russia Move to Normalize Taliban Terrorists

China has reportedly become the second nation after Russia to accept the credentials of a Taliban “diplomat” since the Taliban terrorist group took over Afghanistan in August, Taliban Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi said on Monday.

Chinese President Xi Jinping, right, and Russian President Vladimir Putin talk to each oth

China Demands World Recognize and Fund the Taliban

The government of China concluded a meeting on Thursday of regional governments to discuss how to handle the rise of the Taliban jihadist organization in Afghanistan, concluding the world should recognize the “Afghan interim government” and “inject liquidity” into the country.


China: Xi Jinping Encourages World to Embrace Taliban

Chinese dictator Xi Jinping praised the “sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity” of Afghanistan in a message to a foreign ministers’ meeting featuring a Taliban representative on Thursday, encouraging neighboring countries to “do their best” to support the “Afghan people.”


Tacit Recognition: U.N. Votes to Work with Taliban Regime in Afghanistan

The U.N. Security Council (UNSC) voted on Thursday to establish a formal presence in Afghanistan to perform “crucial” humanitarian work, effectively establishing a working relationship with the barbaric Taliban regime, although the resolution was careful not to name the Taliban or expressly recognize it as the legitimate ruling power of Afghanistan.

Taliban fighters patrol along a street during a demonstration by people to condemn the rec

Taliban Celebrates International Women’s Day

Taliban spokesman Inamullah Samangani issued a Twitter statement on Thursday in which he said Taliban leaders met earlier that day with U.N. representatives to discuss women’s rights in Afghanistan to mark the occasion of International Women’s Day, which took place on Wednesday.

Afghans walk through Kabul on January 14, 2010. The number of civilians killed in the Afgh

Report: Kabul Heroin User Encampment Growing Under Taliban

The number of people using heroin under Kabul’s notorious Pul-e-Sukhta bridge — long synonymous with hard drug use — has increased since the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan in August 2021, people living near the bridge told Deutsche Welle (DW) on Thursday.

This picture taken on October 16, 2021 shows drug addicts running as Taliban members try t

U.N.: Osama bin Laden’s Son Met Taliban in October 2021

Abdallah bin Laden, the son of Osama bin Laden — the former leader of the Al-Qaeda terrorist group — allegedly traveled to Afghanistan in October 2021 to meet with the Taliban, India Today reported on Sunday citing a United Nations (U.N.) report published February 3.

TOPSHOT - Taliban fighters sit over a vehicle on a street in Laghman province on August 15