Cartel Executions

Descubren Otro Narco-Campo de Exterminio en Estado Fronterizo Mexicano

Activistas de derechos humanos que buscan los restos de sus seres queridos en el estado fronterizo de Coahuila han localizado otro campo de asesinatos del cártel donde se cree que hombres armados asesinaron, incineraron y enterraron los restos de un número desconocido de víctimas. La región donde se encontró el campo de exterminio es el mismo por el que Los Zetas y el Cártel de Sinaloa pelearon durante años.

Coahuila Mass Grave

Another Cartel Killing Field Discovered in Mexican Border State

Human rights activist looking for the remains of their loved ones in the border state of Coahuila have located yet another cartel killing field. It is believed that gunmen murdered, incinerated and buried the remains of an unknown number of victims in this deserted area. The Los Zetas and the Sinaloa Cartel fought over the region where searchers found these killing fields for years.

Coahuila Mass Grave

8 Mexican Journalists Murdered in 5 Months

While mainstream media in the U.S. claim to be under attack over memes and the term fake news, eight Mexican journalists have been murdered by drug cartels for doing their jobs. The reporters worked under constant threats and danger due to the instability brought by the widespread presence of transnational drug organizations, commonly known as cartels, and the government of Mexico’s inability or unwillingness to control the violence. Cartels do everything in their power to silence journalists reporting on crime and the corruption that fuels it.

Journalist Protest

Sicarios Detenidos en Homicidio de Activista Que Buscaba Hija Asesinada en Estado Fronterizo

CIUDAD VICTORIA, Tamaulipas — La delincuencia organizada que opera en los estados fronterizos de Nuevo León y Tamaulipas han dejado en claro que tiene una estrecha relación pues delincuentes que salen huyendo de esa entidad son reclutados para continuar con su vida criminal en el otro estado. En el caso mas reciente, dos sicarios responsables por el homicidio de una activista en Tamaulipas fueron arrestados en Nuevo León.

Murdered human rights activist

Mexican Cartel Executes Newsie near Rio Grande

PIEDRAS NEGRAS, Coahuila — Authorities in this border city continue to look into the most recent execution of a newspaper hawker shot and dumped into the waters of the Rio Grande. This murder marks the ninth violent death in 2017.

Pulling Body out of river