Julia Hahn - Page 4

Articles by Julia Hahn

Koch Brothers Will Not Oppose Globalist Clinton; Ryan Headlines Event

Kenosha, WI– As new reports indicate that the Koch Brothers are furthering Hillary Clinton’s candidacy by refusing to run negative ads against her, House Speaker Paul Ryan will headline a lavish retreat hosted by the libertarian billionaires and the Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce.

Ryan, Koch, Hillary AP Photos

Tim Kaine: Under Speaker Ryan, U.S. Will Enact Amnesty in 2017

KENOSHA, WI–Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Sen. Tim Kaine told Telemundo that House Speaker Paul Ryan would work with a President Hillary Clinton to enact amnesty within Clinton’s first 100 days in office. As the Washington Times reports: A new Clinton

Ryan and Hillary AP Photos

Paul Nehlen Calls For Populist Revolt Against Paul Ryan

In a full-page ad in the Janesville Gazette, Wisconsin businessman Paul Nehlen calls on Wisconsin workers to “dethrone” House Speaker Paul Ryan on his August 9th primary and save the nation from the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement and open borders.

Paul Nehlen AP Paul Ryan NBC

Paul Ryan Plummets to 43 Percent in New Primary Poll

JANESVILLE, WI– A poll of likely Republican voters shows House Speaker Paul Ryan well below 50 percent in his race to maintain his seat in Wisconsin’s first Congressional district.

The Associated Press

GOP Senator Jeff Flake: Suck it Up and pass TPP

In a remarkable interview with Business Insider, Arizona Senator Jeff Flake argued that Congress should pass President Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement despite the American people’s overwhelming objection to it.

TPP Ceremonial Signing AP