Zachary Leeman

Zachary Leeman - Page 6

Articles by Zachary Leeman

Hollywood Doesn't Understand the Military

It’s pretty well known and obvious that Hollywood is mostly filled with the few in this country who don’t see our military as a force of good, the few who actually praise American hating dictators like Che Guevera, the few

Out with the Old and in with the New defines “machismo” as follows: a strong or exaggerated sense of manliness; an assumptive attitude that virility, courage, strength, and entitlement to dominate are attributes or concomitants of masculinity. In a galaxy far, far away in a time long, long

'Bad Santa': A Christmas Classic for the Whole Family! Or Not…

The producers of “Bad Santa” must’ve dug up Charles Bukowski and offered him a bottle of scotch in exchange for his version of a Christmas movie. There’s no other explanation for this film. “Bad Santa” can be summed up pretty

Unlike Hollywood, the Literary World Embraces Conservatism

Let’s be honest. Movies, today, aren’t just one step away from being left wing propaganda, they just plain suck. We’ve gone from Dirty Harry to Jason Bourne (or whatever his name ended up being; the camera was too shaky for

'Essential Killing' Review: A Republican Plays a Jihadist!?

Come one! Come all! See Vincent Gallo feeding off an actual lactating woman! See him run through the snow barefoot! See him … well, see him play a terrorist named Mohammed run from the U.S. military and be degraded down

Gibson's Upcoming 'Vacation' a Return to Action Form

The strangest thing about the poster for Mel Gibson’s upcoming action film “How I Spent My Summer Vacation” is that seems completely oblivious to the actor’s current standing within the Hollywood community and with the public in general. And you

'Soft Target' Book Review: Avenge Santa Claus!

Any novel that opens with crazy jihadists killing jolly old Saint Nick on the first page can’t be too bad. “Soft Target,” in bookstores Dec 6th, manages to be more than just not bad; it’s a modern Western on amphetamines;