The Conversation

Bill de Blasio Era Begins in New York City

After relenting to media requests to provide access to an initial swearing in ceremony, also live-streamed here on the Web, Democrat Bill de Blasio paid a $9 filing fee and became the 109th mayor of New York City, being sworn in

Bill de Blasio Era Begins in New York City

2014: The Big Lie, Nuclear Winter, Grudge Match

Obamacare will be one of the biggest stories of 2014, not about the website. The Obamacare hangover begins on January 1 and lasts all of 2014.  The big lie of 2013 by Obama (If you like your doctor you can

South Africa Journal: Light or Fire

After toasting the New Year at a farm in the starkly beautiful wine country near Cape Town, we arrived back in the city to see Table Mountain illuminated (finally!) from below–and a ring of fire on neighboring Devil’s Peak. The

100 Greatest Action Movie Lines

If you like action movies you’ll be familiar with most of these iconic lines. There are only a couple that seem a bit out of place. The one from Steven Seagal’s Hard to Kill makes me laugh. That film was

Liberal Alan Grayson Does Not Like Allen West

Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson seems to be a little upset at what former Congressman Allen West said on Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly show, when West stated that he believes Grayson will lose to a “pretty good challenger” in the 2014

Why did we do this whole ObamaCare thing again?

In response to Curb Your Obamacare Enthusiasm: I’m still astounded that the media is willing to sit back and take these wild figures from Administration that has repeatedly been caught lying about ObamaCare, and which also continues to claim their

Curb Your Obamacare Enthusiasm

Obamacare enrolled nearly 2 million people in paying plans in the first three months, which means it only fell about 50 percent short of its goal, i.e. 1.3 million people. That’s the good news. The bad news is that Obamacare

Democratic Lawmaker Admits Mowing Down Flock of Ducks with BMW

NASHUA, N.H. – Rep David Campbell, D-Nashua is the focus of a police investigation…but not for any political malfeasance. Campbell, a longtime state representative from Nashua admitted he accidentally ran over a flock of ducks outside the Crowne Plaza hotel in Nashua.  It

Democratic Lawmaker Admits Mowing Down Flock of Ducks with BMW

ACLU Sues for Disclosure of Surveillance Executive Order

The American Civil Liberties Union filed suit against the US Government yesterday to force disclosure of the executive order dealing with electronic surveillance.  The suit relates to executive order 12333 that governs surveillance of foreign entities.  Under the order, the

Man Impersonating Police Pulls Over Real Officer

TAMPA, Florida – Late Sunday evening, police arrested 24-year-old Jonathan Charles Stevens after they say he hit the red and blue flashing lights in Chevrolet Tahoe to stop a Tampa officer to report a reckless driver in Ybor City.  Stevens

Man Impersonating Police Pulls Over Real Officer

What the NY Times Got Right and Wrong on Benghazi

The NY Times published a lengthy story by David Kirkpatrick Saturday which attempts to explain what took place last September 11th in Benghazi. Much of the story confirms things reported elsewhere, but the author comes to a different conclusion about

What the NY Times Got Right and Wrong on Benghazi

Same-Sex Marriage A Big No-No In Muslim World

This will seem a bit random but, has anyone else noticed that  according to Obama Nation, and the its press shop (NBC, CBS, ABC, NY Times, Wash Post, etc.) it is ‘Ok’ to bash the Catholic Church for opposing same-sex

South Africa Journal: The Pettiness of Distance

The past two weeks in South Africa have provided an opportunity for me to catch up with local politics. From afar, it has often looked quite petty, as personality conflicts and the peculiar Kremlinology of the ANC capture national attention.

Whitewashing al-Qaeda involvement in Benghazi

In response to Even Democrat Adam Schiff Doesn’t Buy NYT’s Benghazi Story: I’ve seen a good deal of head-scratching about this portion of the big New York Times story.  The paper seems to have taken the word of a few

Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs

We should review our relationship to each other as a culture. Too many Americans are sheep. Our daily lives are busy and complex but this is no reason to accept the new norm which is mediocrity for many. We are

South Africa Journal: Vicky's Place Revisited

My friend Vicky Ntozini was a successful township entrepreneur until she was murdered last year by her husband. After reading online that her children were still running her bed and breakfast in the sprawling township of Khayelitsha, I decided to

South Africa Journal: Vicky's Place Revisited

Movie review: 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty'

Ben Stiller’s remake of the Danny Kaye classic is one of the strangest movies I’ve seen lately.  A little under halfway through its running time, it simply stops being “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” and becomes an entirely different

We still can't get honest ObamaCare statistics

In response to Less than 13K Sign Up for Nevada Health Exchange: I notice the Administration is claiming that it finally got a million enrollments nationwide – which, if true, would still be a horrific failure.  That’s not even a

Even Democrat Adam Schiff Doesn't Buy NYT's Benghazi Story

While appearing to strain to give a recent New York Times’ report on Benghazi at least some credit by saying it “add’s valuable insights,” even Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) agrees with Republican Mike Rogers that the Times’ report is inaccurate.

12 Hours Too Late

In response to The year’s most disappointing movie: Too bad I didn’t read your review before I committed the rental sin and watched Elysium last night. Who really buys Matt Damon as Hispanic and a plot line that is old

Less than 13K Sign Up for Nevada Health Exchange

As of the December 23 deadline, fewer than 13,000 Nevadans had signed up for their state-run health insurance exchange. Half of those signed-up, have yet to pay.  The target sign up number for the state is 118,000 by March 2014.

The year's most disappointing movie

There are plenty of just plain bad movies out there.  Some of them are quite entertaining in their own way.  For a movie to be disappointing, you’ve got to go in with high expectations – better yet, high hopes for

A&E To Air PSAs in Wake of Duck Dynasty Flap

In what Entertainment Weekly calls a “Hail Mary” move, reports that A&E has backed down in its confrontation with Robertson family patriarch Phil Robertson come with an announcement that the network will also be producing a series of PSAs “promoting unity,