The Conversation - Page 3

Deadline Eve and is Down

I just went to to see how it was doing on the eve of the newly announced deadline (today was the deadline until this morning). Here’s what I found: Right now on — John Sexton (@verumserum) December

Five Great Things About 'Man of Steel'

Over the weekend I finally got my chance to see the new Superman movie, “Man of Steel.” In the capable hands of producer Christopher Nolan (“The Dark Knight” trilogy) and director Zack Snyder (“Watchmen”), there is no question the franchise

Guess What? There's No Plan B If ObamaCare Falls Apart

In response to Obamacare Gets an Unannounced, Last Minute Extension for Christmas: The administration appears to be in full panic mode, making rash, 11th hour decisions without considering the consequences. Last week’s executive decision to to release the previously insured from

South Africa Journal: 'Neo-Liberal Fascists'

In Monday morning’s Cape Times, Songezo Mjongile, the provincial secretary of the African National Congress (ANC), took to the op-ed page to defend the Times‘ firing of editor Alide Dasnois. His article ran alongside that of a “Black Consciousness” professor,

Movie review: 'Saving Mr. Banks'

Did you know the 50th anniversary of the Disney classic “Mary Poppins” is rapidly approaching?  The Disney corporation certainly does.  Thus we have “Saving Mr. Banks,” a heavily fictionalized – and, yes, Disneyfied – version of the film’s production, and

South Africa Journal: When the State is All

While in South Africa, I’ve been enjoying Anton Harber’s excellent Diepsloot, an exploration of life in a teeming informal settlement north of Johannesburg that did not exist when Nelson Mandela was freed from prison but has since become one of

South Africa Journal: Obama's Media Cadres

Press freedom has been a major issue in post-apartheid South Africa, especially since 2000, when President Thabo Mbeki and the ruling African National Congress (ANC) launched a campaign against the media, accusing it of racism. In fact, the media’s main

The Duck Dynasty setup

I’ve been saying since Friday that I thought someone at the A&E network was actively out to get the Robertson family and shut “Duck Dynasty” down.  Maybe it’s an internal power play at the network, a couple of executives enforcing

GLAAD Targets Catholic Group, Bob Newhart and Wins… Again

From Famed comedian Bob Newhart has canceled a headline show at a conference for Catholic business leaders after a homosexual activist group ran a campaign portraying the organizers as “anti-gay.” After learning of the 84-year-old comedian’s scheduled appearance at

Obama: Half-a-Million Enrolled in December

Based on statements the President made in his press conference today, Obamacare is on track to enroll about 12.5 percent of its final goal by January 1st. The President released new information on the progress of Obamacare enrollment Friday. In

Our government is too big for the rule of law

George Will considers the concept of “executive discretion,” and President Obama’s abuse of it, arriving at the conclusion that our government has grown to the point that strict adherence to the rule of law is effectively impossible – a condition

Phony Outrage: The Phil Robertson Witch-Hunt

If Phil Robertson thinks he’s seen the worst parts of media hysteria over his gay remarks, he’s got another thing coming because there are few media reactions more absurd than those fueled by black victimhood. A Huffington Post headline reads,

Phony Outrage: The Phil Robertson Witch-Hunt

CNN Poll: Obama's Approval Remains at All-Time Low

CNN/ORC have released a new poll which finds President Obama still stuck at his lowest approval rating ever, 41 percent. Obama’s disapproval is also unchanged this month at 56 percent. Majorities of two important Obama constituencies–women (52-45) and young voters

Obamacare is on a Different Path from Medicare Part D

Thursday Ezra Klein once again compared Obamacare’s unpopular rollout to Medicare part D. While it’s true that part D was unpopular and that Obamacare could one day surmount its image problems, Klein continues to gloss over the significant differences in

Chuck Norris answers the Van Damme Volvo 'split'

Here’s a refresher of the amazing Jean Claude Van Damme Volvo ad in which he does a split between two moving trucks, accomplished with no special effects trickery: Fellow martial arts icon Chuck Norris responds with a Christmas greeting that

58% of Uninsured Haven't Even Browsed Yet

In response to Report: Even More Security Risks Discovered at In addition to bad news about the website,  most of the uninsured think that getting health insurance will “hurt them financially” which is keeping people from even looking. According to

South Africa Journal: The Dignity of Difference

If the United States is a melting pot, South Africa is a potpie kos–a stew of different ingredients that never quite lose their distinctiveness, even while blending together in the same dish. For a variety of reasons–some good, some bad–South Africans

South Africa Journal: Failure to Connect

There are many immediate, practical differences about South Africa that strike an American visitor. Driving on the left is one: the hard part is not so much staying on your side of the road as adjusting to the physical dimensions

Conservatives in a Panic Over Pajamazilla? Not Exactly

Does the twenty-something college kid in onesie pajamas strike terror into the hearts of conservatives? That’s the argument being made by several liberal writers today as part of a backlash against conservative mockery of the goofy OFA ad. Adam Serwer

Obamacare Panders To Gay Community

President Obama is now hoping that the gay community will “come out” and sign up for the embattled Obamacare plan, as a new video pandering to “the boys” has just been released to help with enrollment.  Warning!! Refrain from eating

Profile of the Original 'Welfare Queen'

Ronald Reagan told the story of a benefit stealing “welfare queen” back in 1976 to argue for smaller, leaner government. Liberals have complained about the generalization ever since. Paul Krugman called it a “bogus story” as recently as 2007. It

Man Kicked Off Mountain By Pet Goat

You have heard the term of someone “getting kick to the curb,” or getting “kicked out” of an place or event, and getting “kicked off the mountain,” right?  Have you ever heard about someone actually getting kicked off a mountain,

The Twitter Bubble and the Culture of Outrage

Over the last several months I’ve been checking out of the political chatter on Twitter more and more.  It seems like every day there is a daily outrage that dominates the Twitterverse.  A reporter said something stupid.  A President tweeted