Trailer Talk: "The Master" Looks as Fresh of Most of Paul Thomas Anderson's Work

Trailer Talk: "The Master" Looks as Fresh of Most of Paul Thomas Anderson's Work

A trailer for Paul Thomas Anderson’s new film, “The Master,” has been released online. It stars Philip Seymour Hoffman and Joaquin Pheonix.

Synopsis: A 1950s-set drama centered on the relationship between a charismaticintellectual known as “the Master” whose faith-based organization beginsto catch on in America, and a young drifter who becomes his right-handman.

Thoughts: “The Master” looks as interesting and singular in its vision as most of Anderson’s films. Phoenix is finally back on the big screen, and he might just nab another Oscar nomination with his work here. Hoffman is only hinted at in the teaser, but he looks like he’s going to take the show.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect to “The Master” is the fact that it obviously uses Scientology and Scientology’s creator, L. Ron Hubbard, as jumping off points. Though the film certainly doesn’t look like “Scientology: The L. Ron Hubbard Story,” the connections are pretty clear, much in the same way the Five Points Trinity Church in Kevin Smith’s “Red State” mirrored the Westboro Baptist Church.

If anyone can give an insightful look into a man based off one of the most brilliantly psychotic (depending on opinion) men ever to live then it would be Anderson. He brings voice and originality to his underrated films, and “The Master” likely won’t change that fact.

Interesting notes: Anderson reportedly screened a rough cut of the film for the most famous Scientologist in Hollywood: Tom Cruise. The two worked together on Anderson’s “Magnolia,” but apparently Cruise had some issues with some aspects of the film. This will hopefully not affect Anderson’s vision. The last thing we want is a film that plays to the wants and needs of Hollywood’s Scientology crowd. 

“The Master” will hit theaters October 12.


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