Afghans Arrested for Stabbing Man Defending Woman from Sex Assault

Criminal with knife weapon threatening to stab
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Two Afghan migrants were arrested in Rennes, France, after allegedly stabbing a man near a metro station and sexually assaulting the victim’s ex-girlfriend.

The attack took place on the night of Friday the 10th to Saturday the 11th of July. Two Afghan migrants, aged 19 and 25, stabbed a 40-year-old man near the Charles-de-Gaulle metro station. The victim claimed that prior to the stabbing, he had been defending his ex-girlfriend from a sex assault after the migrants touched her buttocks.

“As they fled, the 40-year-old realised that he was losing blood and had a wound in his lower back. The emergency services took care of him, and the haemorrhage was stopped,” a source close to the investigation said, according to Ouest France.

The injuries were not life-threatening, but prosecutor Philippe Astruc said the man’s kidney had been wounded during the stabbing.

Police arrested the two Afghan nationals on the 20th of July, placing them in pre-trial detention and charging them with acts of violence with a weapon and sexual assault. Their trial is scheduled for September 20th.

The case comes just months after an Algerian and a Syrian were sentenced for stabbing a teenager in the city of Tours after the teen refused to give them a cigarette.

The two migrants, aged 20 and 26, were sentenced to four and five years in prison, with the 20-year-old Syrian also receiving a ban on entering French territory for ten years.

So far in 2021, there have been a number of stabbing attacks involving migrants in various European countries, including a mass stabbing in Würzburg, Germany, last month that resulted in the death of three women.

It was later revealed that the 24-year-old Somalian suspect in the case had come to Germany just before the height of the 2015 migrant crisis.

Follow Chris Tomlinson on Twitter at @TomlinsonCJ or email at ctomlinson(at)


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