No Evidence Deradicalisation Programmes Work, Admits Terror Laws Watchdog
“No one knows” if a deradicalisation programme for Islamist inmates and convicted terrorists work, admitted the government’s watchdog for terror laws.

“No one knows” if a deradicalisation programme for Islamist inmates and convicted terrorists work, admitted the government’s watchdog for terror laws.
The foster parents of the Parsons Green bomber are to sue the local authority for placing the Iraqi teen in their care without telling them he had been “recruited” and “trained to kill by ISIS.”
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has been caught describing Iraqi refugee and convicted terrorist Ahmed Hassan as a “Surrey teenager” for a second time.
The teen Iraqi asylum seeker accused of the Parsons Green station bombing told his teacher it was his “duty to hate Britain” and was referred to the government’s anti-terror programme, a court heard.
The 18-year-old Iraqi asylum seeker accused of the Parsons Green train bombing had told an immigration centre that he had been ‘trained to kill’ by Islamic State, jurors at the Old Bailey heard.
An Iraqi asylum seeker, who illegally entered the UK in the back of a lorry when he was 16, packed a bomb with knives, nails, and bolts to cause “maximum harm and carnage”, a court has heard.
The 18-year-old charged with attempted murder over the September 15th London underground terror attack is accused of buying bomb parts online