Census Bureau - Page 2

Census Bureau: Mens’ Wages Remain Below 1973 Levels

Americans’ median pay packets have been flat since 1973, even though the vastly expanded federal government has justified its own salaries and its many massive spending and policy programs as a sure-fire way to boost education, productivity, and wages.


Most Swing States Suffering Bigger Income Losses

A new report suggests that two-thirds of the 13 presidential election swing states are suffering worse income losses than the national average under President Barack Obama. That, in turn, suggests the 2016 election could become a middle-class revolt.

Trump supporter (Jeff Swensen / Getty)

SAT Scores Hit Four-Decade Low

Graduating high school students’ SAT college admission scores fell again this year–to the lowest level in four decades. Rapidly growing expenditure on education seems to be producing poor test results.

Erich Schlegel/Corbis / APImages

Remaking a Remake: The ‘Bond’ We Need

We need a new Bond. No need to be tied to convention here; the era of middle-aged white British men is over. In the spirit of the Jenner clan, the 21st Century cries out for an androgynous Bond. Maybe Miley Cyrus? Also, the name “James” is too 20th Century. Something like “Jamey” would be more appropriate, and allow Bond to swing easily between male and female, as necessary or desired.

AP Photos

Census Bureau Pays Dick Gregory 15-20K to Speak

Comedian Dick Gregory was paid between $15,000 and $20,000 plus expenses by the Census Bureau to speak to its workers in February during Black History Month. The figures were released to the New York Post by Celebrity Talent Promotions, which books Gregory.

Dennis Cook/AP Photo