Cyber Attack - Page 2

Comptroller Warns Israel Unprepared for Cyber Attacks

A new report published on Tuesday by State Comptroller Yosef Shapira addressed multiple flaws in a myriad of Israeli sectors ranging from the country’s inability to meet postal service requirements to the state’s apparent lethargy in preparing to counter cyber attack threats.


Cyber-Attack May Have Taken Down Ukraine’s Power Grid

Security experts across the world are increasingly worried about the possibility of a cyber-attack that would target infrastructure – anything from communications and traffic control to electric power or utility services. Just such an attack is believed to have occurred on December 23 in Ukraine.

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UK’s Academic Network Under Largest-Scale Cyber Attack Ever

The computer network that supports academic services at Britain’s universities has suffered its worst ever cyber attack, knocking out much of the network and seriously disrupting work at several institutions. The network, known as Janet, is responsible for running the

Students of the Catholic University of Lyon use laptops to take notes in a classroom, on S

CLAIM: ‘Anonymous’ Cyber Attack On Major German Language News Sites

Several major German language news websites are offline today, and ‘hacktivist’ collective ‘Anonymous Deutschland’ have claimed responsibility, stating the cyber attack was in revenge for German media being rude about them. News websites including Focus, Der Spiegel, and Blick Zeitung have been offline since the

Cyber Attack

Britain Says Islamic State Militants Plotting Deadly Cyber Attack

(Reuters) – Islamic State militants are trying to develop the capability to launch deadly cyber attacks against Britain’s infrastructure, finance minister George Osborne will say on Tuesday as he announces a doubling of spending on cyber security. Osborne, Prime Minister

Al-Qaeda Taliban terrorist computer hack cyber attack

Chinese Hackers Also Hit United Airlines, Stole Travel Information

United Airlines has announced a penetration of its computer security in May and June, with investigators saying it was most likely the same Chinese squad that carried out the “cyber Pearl Harbor” attack on the Office of Personnel Management, along with an operation against health insurance company Anthem. It appears the Chinese raiders made off with a sizable amount of flight information, including passenger lists, from United.

The Associated Press

‘Anonymous’ Claims Responsibility for Cyber Attack on Canadian Government

Websites run by the Canadian government were attacked on Wednesday, causing widespread service interruptions. The “Anonymous” hacker collective claimed responsibility for the attack, describing it as a protest against the recent passage of a controversial anti-terrorism bill, which the hackers denounced as “a clear violation of the universal declaration of human rights.”


McCaul: In My Judgment Data Breach Was Chinese Espionage

Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” House Homeland Security chairman Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) said the evidence is pointing to China as being responsible for hacking the private information of 4 million  federal employees last April. McCaul said “This is the


Massive Blackout Brings Turkey To A Standstill: Iran Cyber Attack?

Turkey is in the process of recovering from a major blackout that has brought the country to a relative standstill. Almost the entire country has been affected by the massive power cut, according to some media reports out of Turkey. Officials are considering the possibility that they were hit by a major cyber attack directed at its critical infrastructure.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses lawmakers at the parliament in Ankar

Another Hacking in Hollywood?

A number of Hollywood guilds have reached out to members to notify them that their personal information may have been stolen in the recent data breach attack on Anthem.

Reuters/Mario Anzuoni