FWD.us - Page 2

Amnesty Army Readies Plan B

Amnesty advocates are drafting a Plan B following the Sunday rejection of the wide-ranging amnesty-and-cheap-labor plan by the Senate’s debate referee. 

Facebook co-founder, Chairman and CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies before the House Energy an

Mark Zuckerberg’s Lobbyist: Import More Afghans

Americans must welcome everyone who is fleeing Afghanistan, says the president of Mark Zuckerberg’s pro-migration advocacy group, which is already pushing for easier migration from Mexico, and for multiple national amnesties this fall. 

WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 23: With an image of himself on a screen in the background, Faceb

Astroturf: AP Amnesty Story Mostly Quotes Paid Zuckerberg Shills

The Associated Press fell victim to Mark Zuckerberg’s empire of astroturf groups on July 13th when the news service posted an article that quoted a reassuring variety of people. But a quick inspection shows that nearly all quotes came from activists in Zuckerberg’s pro-amnesty astroturf empire.

Mark Zuckerberg Facebook creepy smile