GoFundMe - Page 3

Supporters Fume as Alleged PA Arsonist Held in Male Section of Prison: ‘Alexa Is a Trans Woman’

Supporters are fuming over the plight of Lee Alexander Wise, one of the 13 individuals arrested as a result of the lawless protests in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on Sunday night. Organizers of a fundraiser claim that Wise, a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement, is a transgender woman who is being “punished unfairly in a myriad of ways” — including by being housed in a male section of the prison.

Lee Alexander Wise

Conservatives Rally to #TargetTori After Leftist’s Toothbrush Tantrum

An alleged journalist named David Leavitt took to Twitter on Friday to announce that he had called the police on a Target store manager named Tori for refusing to sell him an Oral-B electric toothbrush for one cent. Leavitt then threatened to take Target to court. Conservatives rallied to Tori’s defense on the #TargetTori hashtag and raised $28,000 to send her on a vacation.

Target Tori