CNN’s Abby Phillip Says Democrats Have Bigger Problems Than ‘Wokeness’
CNN anchor Abby Phillip said Democrats have bigger problems than just “wokeness,” suggesting that they have catered to the elite class for far too long.

CNN anchor Abby Phillip said Democrats have bigger problems than just “wokeness,” suggesting that they have catered to the elite class for far too long.
Several well-known companies, organizations, and federal agencies continue to capitalize on political disasters or movements to advance leftist narratives — from the advancement of radical LGBT ideology to the recent push for mass gun control. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is one of the few GOP governors who has openly defied woke virtue-signaling.
Pope Francis decried the pervasive spread of groupthink and cancel culture Monday, urging a return to freedom of speech, ideological diversity, and respect for history.
Pope Francis blamed consumerism and mindless secular groupthink Wednesday for Europe’s loss of the sense of God’s presence.
Wikipedia has deleted its ‘List of Scientists Who Disagree with the Scientific Consensus on Global Warming’.
President Trump has confirmed that the U.S. is definitely going to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement. Good!
Climategate is fast approaching its tenth anniversary (which falls in November). Naturally the BBC — as one of the key promoters of the man-made global warming scare — is keen to get its excuses in early.
The UK-based Guardian newspaper explains this week that silencing unpopular opinions is not a violation of free speech because “some debates should be shut down.”
Italy’s Minister for the Family has called for the repeal of a hate speech law, after aggression against a black athlete triggered widespread accusations of generalized Italian racism.
The liberal thought police at the University of California-Merced have accused Campus Republicans and other conservatives of a “campaign of harassment and intimidation” including such crimes as hanging MAGA posters, saying “white lives matter, too,” carrying signs reading “Only 2 Genders,” and making “anti-Marxist arguments.”