International Law

Legal, Military Experts Call to Reevaluate Term ‘Palestinian Civilian’ After Hostage Rescue Reveals Hamas Complicity

In light of the recent dramatic rescue of four Israeli hostages held by Palestinian civilians, a legal expert and military specialist are urging a reevaluation of use of the term “Palestinian civilian,” arguing that those participating in hostilities, such as hostage-taking and other Hamas crimes, lose their civilian status under international law.

A member of Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, military wing of the Palestinian Hamas movement,

Breitbart News’ Joel Pollak Shares Firsthand Account of Israel’s Ground Zero: ‘Worst Thing I’ve Ever Seen in My Life’

Following the unprecedented attack on Israel this month that sent shockwaves throughout the world, Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Joel B. Pollak offered a firsthand account of the Jewish state’s ground zero, providing a detailed narrative of “the worst thing” he has ever witnessed, and “one of the most brutal attacks on civilians that the Western world has ever seen.”

Kibbutz Be'eri home (Breitbart News)

Report: Cuba Using 2021 Protests to Abuse Children, Seniors, Disabled

An extensive report published Thursday by the human rights organization Prisoners Defenders documented in detail the abuse of Cuban political prisoners following the nationwide protests on July 11, 2021, including torture and arbitrary detention of children, infirm seniors, and persons with documented mental illness.

People take part in a demonstration against the government of Cuban President Miguel Diaz-

Abbas: We Will Seek Full UN Membership

Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas said that the Palestinians will seek full membership in the United Nations and join dozens of additional international organizations in response to the recent US policy changes on Jerusalem.

PALESTINIAN-POLITICS Palestinian Authority President and head of the Fatah movement, Mahmu

International Tribunal Decisively Rejects Beijing’s Claim to the South China Sea

In 2013, the Philippines took China to court over Beijing’s seizure of Scarborough Shoal, which lies within Manila’s 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone, or EEZ. The South China Sea and its resources do not belong solely to China, the Philippine government said, but to all of the nations– Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam—that surround it.

Chinese national Cheng-Bin Wang told AFP that he greatly admired President Xi's actions in