LGBTQ activism - Page 3

Gender Law to Allow Trans People Into Women’s Spaces, Under-16s to Access ‘Treatment’ over Parents’ Objections

A new law proposed by the far-left party in Spain’s coalition government will make it easier for residents to change genders for official purposes. A bill sponsored by Equality Minister Irene Montero aims to make gender self-determination — no diagnosis, medical treatment or judge required — the norm, with eligibility starting at age 16. Nearly 20 countries, eight of them in the European Union, already have similar laws.

Leon Weiler, of Cambridge, Mass., top, holds a flag while standing with other protesters i

Left Joins Conservatives in Uproar over Joe Biden’s ‘War on Women’

An angry firestorm from both leftwing feminists and conservative constitutionalists is besieging President Joe Biden who, on Day One of his presidency, issued an executive order that removes any legal recognition of the two sexes and eradicates protections women have enjoyed in the federal government and other arenas such as bathroom privacy and sports.

joe biden signs