Narco Mass Graves

Mexican Activists Discover New Cartel Crematorium near Border with Texas

Authorities in the Mexican border state of Tamaulipas have confirmed the discovery of two separate locations used by cartel gunmen to kill and incinerate the remains of their victims. Cartel crematoriums and clandestine gravesites have become almost commonplace in various parts of Mexico as criminal organizations try to avoid attention by not leaving bodies behind. The disposal of remains also allows government officials to hide the levels of violence by filing most cases as missing persons instead of murders or kidnappings.

Activists search for human remains in a cartel killing field near the border with Texas. (

Colectivo Descubre Nuevo Campo De Exterminio en Tamaulipas

Las autoridades del estado fronterizo de Tamaulipas confirmaron el descubrimiento de dos lugares utilizados por sicarios de los cárteles para matar e incinerar los restos de sus víctimas. Los crematorios de los cárteles y las fosas clandestinas se han vuelto algo común en varias partes de México, ya que las organizaciones criminales tratan de evitar la atención al no dejar cuerpos, algo que también permite a los funcionarios del gobierno ocultar los niveles de violencia al dar carpetazo a la mayoría de los casos como personas desaparecidas en lugar de asesinatos o secuestros.

Activists search for human remains in a cartel killing field near the border with Texas. (

GRAPHIC PHOTOS: Ranch in Mexican Border City Turned into Cartel Killing Field

Cartel gunmen used a ranch in northern Mexico as a killing field where they tortured, murdered, and incinerated a large number of victims with complete impunity. The discovery comes as corrupt government officials at the state and federal level in Mexico refuse to target drug cartels and criminal organizations. At the same time, government officials claim security conditions are improving under their regime.

Gulf Cartel Ranch

Policías Encuentran 5 Cuerpos en Fosas Clandestinas en Cancún

Las autoridades en el punto turístico de Cancún están trabajando para identificar varios cuerpos que encontraron en dos fosas clandestinas en Cancún. El descubrimiento llega en un momento en que Cancún y otros puntos clave del Caribe mexicano están experimentando un aumento dramático en la narco-violencia.

Mexican mass grave

42 Bodies Found in Mass Grave near Popular Mexican Tourist City

Authorities reported the discovery of a mass grave containing at least 42 bodies on the outskirts of a popular Mexican tourist port city near the Arizona border. The grisly discovery occurred just outside Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, also known as Rocky Point — located approximately 60 miles south of Arizona.

Volunteers from Madres Buscadoras de Sonora search a mass grave near the city of Puerto Pe

EXCLUSIVO GRAFICO: Autoridades Descubren Narco-Fosa en Ciudad Fronteriza

RIO BRAVO, Tamaulipas — Los horrores de la guerra de cárteles que se vive en esta ciudad fronteriza se revelaron una vez mas con el descubrimiento de una narco-fosa. El descubrimiento se llevo acabo en un momento en que grupos rivales del Cartel del Golfo llevan una cruenta lucha por control de la región que ha dejado mas de 158 muertes en balaceras o ejecuciones y un numero sin fin de desaparecidos en la vecina ciudad de Reynosa.

Gulf Cartel

EXCLUSIVE–GRAPHIC: Authorities Discover Cartel Mass Grave near Texas

RIO BRAVO, Tamaulipas — The horrors of the cartel war in this border city have once again been revealed with the discovery of a new mass grave. The find comes at a time when rival groups from the Gulf Cartel wage war for control of the region–leading to more than 158 deaths through gun battles, executions, and disappearances in Reynosa.

Gulf Cartel