Norah O'Donnell

NYT Writer: Cancel Holiday Office Parties So Women Avoid Sexual Harassment

“Why are we having holiday parties at all?” complained Weiner to Gayle King on Monday morning. “Wouldn’t you rather have an extra $100 in your paycheck than have to put on the Spanx, put on the heels, be social with the guy with, like, the stale coffee breath who’s looking at your backside every time you go to the copier. You know how that is.”


Paul Ryan: Devin Nunes Source a ‘Whistleblower Type’

Thursday on “CBS This Morning,” House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) shed some on the investigation by House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) into potential interference by Russia in last year’s presidential election. “He had told me that like


CBS News: ObamaCare Launch 'A Complete Disaster'

On Wednesday’s CBS This Morning, co-anchor Norah O’Donnell described the ObamaCare launch as a “rough start.” CBS reporter Jan Crawford responded with, “‘Rough start’ could be the understatement of the year. It has been a complete disaster. We don’t know

CBS News: ObamaCare Launch 'A Complete Disaster'

CBS News Celebrates Big Taxing Ways and Means Committee

As the US Government sits embroiled in a fiscal stalemate between the Democrats’ desire to further increase taxes on Americans and the Republicans’ hope to reform government spending, CBS News decided to host their morning show from inside the Ways

CBS News Celebrates Big Taxing Ways and Means Committee

Norah O’Donnell & Charlie Rose Don’t Ask Colin Powell About Libya

On the “CBS Morning Show,” Norah O’Donnelland Charlie Rose interviewed General Colin Powell and made high-class fools of themselves asking Powell a host of leading softball questions that were intentionally designed to allow him to attack Romney with Obama’s talking points. After Powell