Pope Francis Offers Hope to Mothers Who Have Aborted Their Babies
Pope Francis offered a message of hope and reconciliation this week to mothers who have aborted their babies, insisting that “evil does not have the last word.”

Pope Francis offered a message of hope and reconciliation this week to mothers who have aborted their babies, insisting that “evil does not have the last word.”
President Donald Trump released a statement Wednesday commemorating the 40th anniversary of the martyrdom of Father Jerzy Popiełuszko, a Catholic priest who helped bring down communism in Poland.
Pope Francis has denounced “arguing” about liturgical details after drastically restricting the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass.
The president of the Pontifical Academy for Life called Italy’s notorious Law 194 legalizing abortion “a pillar of society” this weekend, and that no one is looking to overturn it.
Pope Francis said Wednesday that the life of every “conceived child” is “sacred and inviolable” while calling for the defense of the unborn.
Pope Francis recalled the 40th anniversary of the 1981 assassination attempt on Pope Saint John Paul II Wednesday.
The number of Christians facing persecution around the world has risen to 260 million over the past year, said Hungary’s State Secretary for the Aid of Persecuted Christians in an online conference this week.
Statues of U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II have been vandalised in Poland in recent days, with the attacks in both cases linked by Polish media to pro-abortion protests gripping the country.
ROME — Pope Francis announced the names of 13 bishops and priests he intends to make cardinals in November, including the outspoken anti-Trump Archbishop of Washington, D.C., Wilton D. Gregory.
A number of prominent Catholics have reacted strongly to a statement by Washington, DC, Archbishop Wilton Gregory denouncing President Trump for visiting a shrine to Pope John Paul II.
Pope Francis commemorated the 100th anniversary of the birth of the future Pope John Paul II on Monday, holding him up as an example of a “good shepherd.”
Pope Francis told businesspeople to prioritize the urgent demands of social justice over increased productivity and profitability, even if it means martyrdom.
Budapest, HUNGARY — Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told a packed hall in the capital Hungary is proud of its Christian heritage and will do all in its power to defend its Christian identity.
The Catholic bishops of Poland have proposed to Pope Francis that Saint John Paul II, the first Polish pope, be recognized with the title “doctor of the Church.”
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Japan issued a statement on the 74th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons.
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church in Hoboken celebrated a special “Pride Mass” on Sunday, highlighting a growing rift among the Catholic community over homosexuality.
The archbishop of Genoa has cancelled three prayer services organized to expiate the sins of “gay pride” parades, saying that such prayer events are “inappropriate.”
The Vatican’s office for Interreligious Dialogue announced the first-ever dialogue event between Buddhist and Christian Nuns this week.
Pope Francis told a large crowd of young people Sunday that their baptism obliges them to become active agents of good and to oppose the reigning “culture of death.”
ROME– Pope Francis has sent a birthday letter to Gustavo Gutiérrez, the Peruvian founder of Liberation Theology, thanking him for his “theological service” to the Church and humanity.
Following a court ruling mandating the removal of the Christian symbol of the cross, the northern French town of Ploërmel has sold a sculpture of Saint John Paul II to the Catholic Church so it can be displayed on church property.
The prominent African Cardinal Robert Sarah said in a recent address in Belgium that by forgetting its Christian roots the West is committing suicide, “because a tree without roots is condemned to death.”
Breitbart News executive chairman and former White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon said in an interview with SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily radio show that the United States must return to “traditionalism” when it comes to the holiday season while slamming the “disturbing” consumerism that has consumed Thanksgiving.
In a bizarre turn of events, the group of “free thinkers” that fought to have a cross removed from public property in northwest France is now fighting to save a mosque.
The French administrative court has ordered the removal of a cross from a monument to Saint John Paul II in a public square in the northwest of France, saying it violates the secular nature of the state.
In a striking departure from traditional Christian moral teaching, the Vatican-vetted journal, La Civilità Cattolica, claims that no general moral rule is valid in all cases. In a post on Twitter, the Jesuit-run magazine stated: “Every case is singular. You
In an address before the United Nations in New York, a Vatican spokesman underscored the centrality of the right to life and religious freedom, noting that “all other rights flow” from these two core principles.
Pope Francis has established a new path to canonization as a saint, adding the “free and voluntary offering of one’s life” to the three previously recognized ways to sainthood.
In his powerful speech in Warsaw Thursday, President Donald Trump assailed the secular left while praising Saint John Paul II as a “great hero” of the Polish nation, whose election as pope helped bring the communist system “crashing down.”
In his trip to Fatima, Portugal, this weekend, Pope Francis canonized two shepherd children who purportedly had a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary 100 years ago, who warned that a life devoid of God leads to hell.
The Eternal Word Television Network announced yesterday that its 92-year-old founder passed away “after a lengthy struggle with the aftereffects of a stroke.”
In an impassioned appeal Sunday, Pope Francis called for an “international consensus” for the abolition of capital punishment, arguing that the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” has absolute value and includes both the innocent and the guilty. After his weekly
On Monday, the BBC aired a “documentary” called The Secret Letters of Pope John Paul II, suggesting a possible lack of propriety in the revered late pontiff’s friendships with women over the years, and especially with a married colleague, the
In a fascinating exercise in sophistry, Charles C. Camosy, associate professor of theological and social ethics at Jesuit-run Fordham University,makes the case that Catholics can in good conscience vote for a candidate who professes to be a socialist, advocates same-sex marriage, works against religious freedom and insists on women’s right to abortion.
A 67-year-old Roman Catholic nun was excommunicated and ousted from her religious order last week after revealing that she had been secretly ordained a priest earlier this year and has since been presiding over Catholic rituals.
For some reason, CNN’s Don Lemon asked Whoopi Goldberg to weigh in on Pope Francis’ visit to the United States and the Catholic Church’s teaching on abortion.
Everyone knows that Pope Francis is capitalism’s number one critic, and he has been waiting for his U.S. visit to scold Americans on the economy, right? Not so fast. The fact is, that Francis has never been an enemy of capitalism and actually believes the free market is a good thing, as long as it has “limits.”
According to the theologians at the New York Times, a “strong Catholic Faith” and “abortion rights” coexist without contradiction in the person of Nancy Pelosi.
On Tuesday, the Vatican released a letter from Pope Francis on the upcoming Jubilee Year of Mercy, in which the Pope gives all Catholic priests the power to grant absolution to women who repent of the sin of abortion.
When CNN reporter Chris Cuomo asked presidential candidate Donald Trump for his thoughts on Pope Francis Wednesday, Trump responded that he thought “he seems like a pretty good guy,” along with questioning whether the Pope was as anti-capitalist as some