San Bernardino Attack - Page 3

Authorities: San Bernardino Shooters Likely Planned Far More Attacks

As authorities continue to unravel the lives and plans of the husband and wife duo who launched a private jihad in San Bernardino, California, killing 14 and injuring over 20, the large arsenal they amassed is convincing investigators that the pair planned far more attacks than the single assault that ended in their deaths.

FBI and California Department of Motor Vehicles via AP

San Bernardino Terror Suspect Named By Police BEFORE Obama’s Initial Briefing

The timeline of events in the Islamist massacre Tuesday in San Bernardino, California, shows that Syed Farook’s name was announced on a publicly available police scanner several times prior to President Barack Obama being briefed on the subject – and long before White House officials started to portray the apparent jihad shooting as “workplace” or “gun control” issue.

The Associated Press

Jerry Brown at San Bernardino: ‘We Have to Be on Our Guard’

SAN BERNARDINO — A day and-a-half after a mass shooting in San Bernardino that left 14 dead and over a dozen injured, local, state and federal officials privately briefed California Governor Jerry Brown near the scene before Brown and officials addressed the public Thursday evening.

Jerry Brown at San Bernardino (Chris Carlson / Associated Press)

San Bernardino Destroys the Gun-Control Movement

Gun-control advocates made fools of themselves in a disgusting rush to politicize the incident while bullets were still flying – and not just the usual activist knuckleheads, but the Democrat Party’s FBI-investigated front runner for President, Hillary Clinton, along with that other guy supposedly running for their nomination.

Getty Images