Wolf Blitzer - Page 3

Wolf Blitzer: Peter Strzok’s Texts ‘Are So Damning’

Thursday on CNN’s “Wolf,” host Wolf Blitzer reacted to House lawmakers questioning of Peter Strzok the FBI agent removed from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s 2016 election interference. Blitzer said, “The texts between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page,

Wolf Blitzer

Delingpole: Alexandria Shootings Show the Left’s Toxic Hatred Has Gone Too Far…

Gosh what could possibly have been the motivation of Alexandria shooter James Hodgkinson, the Bernie-Sanders-loving, Russia-collusion-obsessed liberal activist whose Facebook page boasts about his participation in the Climate March on DC, celebrates the wisdom of Neil Degrasse Tyson, “likes” a cartoon showing Steve Scalise to be in league with the Ku Klux Klan, thinks the U.S. is secretly run by the Koch Brothers, and who signed a petition with the left wing online pressure group Change.org claiming that “Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time To Destroy Trump & Co”?

James Hodgkinson

Bernie: ‘I Intend to Work With President Trump’

Thursday on CNN, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) told network host Wolf Blitzer that despite Tuesday’s general election outcome, he would be willing to work with President-elect Donald Trump. Despite questions about how things might have turned out if he had


Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager Admits 2008 Birther Link

Patti Solis Doyle, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager in 2008 until the Iowa caucuses, admitted on Friday that a Clinton campaign staffer had, in fact, circulated the Birther conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was born outside the U.S. and therefore potentially ineligible to serve in the presidency.

Patti Solis Doyle (Charles Rex Arbogast / Associated Press)